I am facing Time Limit Exceeded
in the problem Coin Combinations II of cses.
My approach: We define rec(x, r) as the number of ordered ways to make a sum x by using up to rth coin (0-indexing). Now we are iterating from the last coin. We can either take rth coin and add up rec(x — c[r], r) to our answer or we can not take the rth coin and simply add up rec(x, r-1) (the answer by taking up to (r-1)th coin). So we have:
dp[i][j] = dp[i - c[j]][j] + dp[i][j - 1]
We also do dp[i][j] %= MOD
to prevent overflow.
What could be the possible reason for Time Limit Exceeded
? Thank you.
UPD: One person in the comments told that it is because constraints on CSES are tight and that's why recursion might give a TLE on CSES. I think that answers the question.
UPD: This is the exact reason for the TLE
What is the size of your memoization array? I saw the iterative solution but that has only one stat, where my recursive solution has two stats.
I used to believe that recursive and iterative approach only differ by constant factor in time conplexity. But Now I think recursive solution needs more stats too. As I used a 2D dp array of size n * x, I already knew it was not going to work. But seeing the tabulation is running with only one stat, I tried to implement that in recursive way but couldn't get any clue.