Hello, Codeforces!
We are happy to invite you to TheForces Round #21 (EDU-Forces), which will take place on Jul/31/2023 17:35 (Moscow time)
Editorial is out!
You will have 150 minutes to solve 7 problems.
Some problems may have similar difficulty.We strongly recommend you to read all problems.
The round is TheForces rated:) After the round is over,you can find your rating changes here.
Problems were prepared and authored by Amir_Parsa,wuhudsm,Mkswll,the_hyp0cr1t3.
We would like to thank our army of testers: ScorpioDagger,dmraykhan,blxst, EyadBT,KitasCraft,the_hyp0cr1t3, IanISam,VibhorS,AkibAzmain,Banis,yash_04,JaberSH1.
Also we want to thank you for participating in our round.
Discord Server (1000+ people)
as a tester, best of luck to the participants. problems are interesting and good.
Why don't you set a regular CF round?
Will come in the next few months :)
Passed 1.5 month. When will?
Official round is nearly ready to be tested ;)
I'd like to thank everyone who contributed in the success of this round.
As a tester I guarantee you'll like the problemset, read all the problems and enjoy the moments :)
Happy solving!!
My G EyadBT
As a tester, I regret testing thus missing the opportunity to compete in such exciting and challenging contest.
looking forward to it
As an author, thanks to the coordinator and the testers for their amazing jobs. Hope the problems are interesting to all
The registration is open!
i saw the contest up on clist and was curious, joined the discord cool place, ngl excited to participate here :) good luck guys :)
Its unrated right?
IanISam bro I solved your impossible 'Legendary Drop' prblm , Give me Tea