We will hold AtCoder Regular Contest 166.
- Contest URL: https://atcoder.jp/contests/arc166
- Start Time: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20231008T2100&p1=248
- Duration: 120 minutes
- Number of Tasks: 6
- Writer: maspy
- Tester: tatyam, Nyaan
- Rated range: — 2799
The point values will be 400-400-600-600-800-1100.
We are looking forward to your participation!
Hope that I can get rating.
Wow, hope this round can be friendly to me noob :)
It will not.
Plz plz give me 2 Dan I solved 4
Got it. Thank all of you.
Let me show how I solve problem C.
I stare at the screen for 30 minutes and have no idea about it. Then I write a brute force solution at first.
Then I print down each answer of 1x1, 1x2, 1x3 ... 1xn, find it is geometric progression. For 2x2, 2x3...2xn, 3x3 ... 3xn feel the same
Then I observe the ratio, wait, Fiobnacci?
Then I calculate the product, and found it is the square of product of Fiobnacci.
Finally I get AC by last moment.
How to compute $$$F_2 F_4 \dots F_n$$$ for $$$n \leq 10^{18}$$$?
Thank you for correction, I haven't find a solution yet, my previous thought about using matrix multiplication is wrong.
how to solve B using dp? the editorial says so but doesn't give much details.
there's a mistake in C — LU / RD Marking Editorial.Assume $$$n\leq m$$$,it's not $$$(a_2a_4...a_{2n})^2a_{2n+1}^m$$$ but $$$(a_2a_4...a_{2n})^2a_{2n+1}^{m-n}$$$.
hey Guys! So I was going through the editorial of problem C and didn't understand how exactly the formula in the last step is derived. I understand how to answer for each individual component, that is the Fibonacci number, and multiply the results of each component together as they are independent. But why are we squaring the result of the multiplication of each component? and why is the term (a2n+1)^m there in the end? I enjoyed the explanation so far and really want to understand it completely. Thanks!
I figured out by just run some cases manually on paper. It's more like a observation thing.
My rating rose to 2042 from 2028 but today I found it returned to 2028. Is my rating rolled back? I found no evidence that the contest will be unrated.
Not only this round but also many rounds recently have the same problem. For example, ABC323.
It seems the ratings are coming back! :)
Yeah, but what interesting is that the rating changes of ABC322 came back, but ABC323 did not.