Garavitey's blog

By Garavitey, history, 12 months ago, In English

I was trying to the this question and during that, I used the following code.

void solve() {

    read(n); read(x);
    for(int i = 0; i< n; i++){
        int a; cin>>a;
        if(mp.find(a) != mp.end()){
            int b = mp[a]+1;
            cout<<b<<" "<<i+1<<endl;
            mp[x-a] = i;


this did not give any tle error but when i used the following code

void solve() {

    read(n); read(x);
    for(int i = 0; i< n; i++){
        int a; cin>>a;
        if(mp.find(a) != mp.end()){
            int b = mp[a]+1;
            cout<<b<<" "<<i+1<<endl;
            mp[x-a] = i;


it was giving tle in the test cases 23 and 24. now I know that both of them are the same except for the use of data structure, but the map should be slower than unordered_map but the opposite is true, why is this happening can anyone explain?

code of unordered_map

code for map

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12 months ago, # |
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Complexity for ordered map is always O(log(N)) for accessing values..but in unordered map we cant say worst case even it can go upto O(N) generally i prefer to use ordered map to avoid such TLE's