Have you ever wanted to know how will your CF rating look like in the future, without having to be stressed about the potential shortcomings which may come in future contests?
Have you ever wanted to be able to say that you will get the rating of your dreams soon?
If the answer for both of these questions is Yes, then you once again came to the right place.
Over the last three years since I posted the first such blog , everyone wanted to learn how will their CF rating look like in the future and I got such questions pretty much everywhere I could possibly get, including but not limited to:
- replies to comments I made here
- DMs here, on Discord and even on other social media platforms
- replies to messages on Discord
- even when I met people during onsite contests
As a result, exactly three years after the first iteration of the blog, I decided to come back with a second edition of this blog, where I am using my now three more years of experience in predicting ratings and studying how people will evolve in the future, solely by looking at their charts.
Since images are often worth 1000 words, you can notice the high rate of success I had when I first did this and the relentlessness with which people asked for a part 2 can tell you everything you need to know about how popular this idea is (someone even made a tool for something like this as a result of this blog). Even before writing this blog, I had people asking me about this so you can tell how popular this is.
If you want to know how will your(or your friends') CF rating will look like, post the handle in the comments or an image of the rating graph and I will come with a reply as soon as possible.
However, this system only works for users with at least 15 contests taken and whose ratings are below 2600(from 2600 on, large swings happen and I can't really consider them as relevant in those persons' future skills)
Even if my predictions won't please you, you can look at my channel and my website for ways to make even the most negative predictions fail. After all, they only indicate how well you do based on the charts, without reflecting any kind of practice strategy or anything.
Good luck and I wish you nice holidays and a wonderful 2024!
:3 Thanks
potat Your sudden peak near 1900 can be traced with the other peaks as it looks like a overshoot so I expect a bit of a pullback in the near future around 1750-1800
AmogusRank1 This rating chart seems to have been bouncing around between 1600 and 1750 but judging by the positive momentum, I believe 1800+ will come before any return towards 1700
better not be 800
Looks like you are on a steady rise but at the current rate, you'll reach 800 in about 10 contests so the growth won't be too fast IMO.
Steady rise so far however it looks like you're struggling a bit around 1200. I expect you to bounce back and forth between 1150 and 1250 in the near future.
And then...?
I only predict near future, not what your rating will be in 2030
A clear pattern seems to have emerged from your rating chart as you alternate periods of stagnation with sudden rises. Judging from the previous times this happened, I think you will hit around 2100-2150 and stay around that area for a while.
You just reached a new color, congrats! However, looking at how things went historically for you, it looks like you'll hang around there for a while, but I can also see a rise to 1300 but not much more.
Not enough recent data to make a clear prediction, sorry
Looks like after a steady rise which sent you from newbie to purple, you'll hang around low purple for the coming rounds, maybe even occasionally fall to blue only to bounce back.
That didn't age well XD
Hi bro, can you share some tips ? How do you practice ? Also do you practice solely on cf or other platforms as well ?
You got there a perfect trend line but right now you are at the upper end of your channel so expect a pullback before any subsequent peak and push to 1600+
Thanks a lot for it. I'll try to make it 1600+ peak.
Thanks a lot :)
After a long and consistent range from 1100 to 1400, I think you'll finally make the next step and push towards 1500-1600. However, seems like you might fall down after a peak of 1500+
Ok, thanks! I'll try to prove you wrong with the part of falling down :)
:3 Thanks
I expect them to come back to at least 1500+, however I don't see any subsequent peaks anytime soon
Not enough recent data but if the contests were closely grouped, you could go to master
I believe your peak will fizzle out and you'll go down to 1200 area soon
Moved to 1400: NVM any practical suggestions as of now for growth?
Please, predict my rating rolandpetrean
I expect you to touch blue once more before you hit orange once and for all
Not enough recent data, sorry
I believe you'll stay around this place, between 1700 and 1900 but without touching purple for now IMO.
After a year of blue performances, you suddenly got to master and I don't think this will stick. You might even come back to 1900 area before any future growth.
Seems like you're slowly rising up the rating ladder, so I think you'll hang around 1900 to 2000 area for a while.
PrakharJain please! Thanks!
Not enough recent data unfortunately but I think you'd probably fall down short term if you were to take contests unless there's information I'm not aware of
https://mirror.codeforces.com/profile/Raul_A idk, i predict an specialist, almost expert.
I think you'll stay between 1350 and 1450, maybe 1500 for now
not enough contests
https://mirror.codeforces.com/profile/prime_Rick thanks :3
I think you can go towards 1400 but hang around there until another surge
Not enough contests
Can I ever escape cyan???
Not enough recent contests but even so, it looks like you're bouncing back and forth between 1500 and I can see you going towards 1700
I think you'll come back to 1550-1600 before any subsequent rise
After 1 year of bouncing back and forth between 1900 and 2100, I expect this to continue for now.
Thank you!
Seems like your most recent peak touched a trendline with the other 2 recent peaks, I think you'll pull back to around 1000, 1050 before another peak
I think you'll go down to 1100, even 1050 before any growth.
Not enough recent contests, sorry
not enough contests, sorry
I know I have been out for too long. Is there any hope.
You haven't taken any recent contests but I think you'll first go back to purple or even low purple
First to 1600s then back up IMO.
Seems you'll stay around this area (2100-2300) for now
Grandmaster tomorrow, of course!
2399 tomorrow, confirmed by Zeta.AI Model.
You'll stay between 1500 and 1700 for now IMO
Ok, we shall see :)
Thanks :)
I think you'll first go to 1200 area then back towards 1400
I think you'll once again get to see the 1700s before you go up once again
You will stay between 1200 and 1300 for now
2000+ first then down towards 1800
You'll go down towards 1200 area for now
Thanks in advance :)
You'll stay between 1500 and 1650 IMO
Thanks in advance!
I think you'll hit blue first but barely (smth like 1620, 1630 at most). You might come down below 1500 after that
Not enough recent contests, sorry
Please do mine. Thanks!
1600 first then 1800+, even 1900
https://mirror.codeforces.com/profile/ekeshwarj5 Thanks
Down to 1200 first then up
I will predict a steady rise to 1200 then it is to be seen
1400+ then slight pullback
Seems like 1200 is your right place for now, you'll stay around here
Can I ever be blue? SNX03
Unfortunately I think you'll see gray first before blue, as I expect a short term downfall
Mine plsssssss
You'll stay between 1150 and 1250, maybe touch 1300 once
rating is too high
https://mirror.codeforces.com/profile/Turaka Hey bro mine plz I am beginner
not enough contests
My handle Utsavshekhar
not enough contests
Not too much data to work with but I think you'll see 2100 first
not enough recent data
I think that peak is overshooting the normal rating range and I expect 2400 first before any subsequent rise
Seems like my prediction is aging well so far TimDee
I think he'll start climbing soon however
You'll first fall down to 1300s as I believe your recent peak is an exception from your average contests
Unfortunately I expect this rangebound rating to continue for now
I think you'll go first towards 1950, 2000 before any bigger move happens
DeMen100ns : I think your day will soon come and you'll reach GM within 10 rounds or so
I believe you'll break 1000 soon, towards 1100
https://mirror.codeforces.com/profile/shree_swami_samarth Thanks
Unfortunately looks like this dip will continue towards 850 or even 800
Looks like you will hang around 900 to 1000 rating for now
thank you!
I see a lot of stagnation ahead, mostly around 1700
Seems like you've been struggling around 1900 but I expect you to finally break it once and for all and go towards 2000
I think you'll go up towards 1200+ IMO
Overshoot pattern so down to 1500ish I'd say
Thank You!
Not much recent data but I guess you'll go to purple again before you move back up
thanks :D
At the moment you're at the bottom of your range so I expect a steady rise towards 1500
https://mirror.codeforces.com/profile/SerbanC thank you in advance
I think you'll break 1600 and go towards 1700
oToToT thanks and happy new year.
2 year long W pattern, I think you'll go to 2300 or even overshoot towards 2350-2400.
Happy new year
That looks like a bull flag to me so I think you'll reach 1300-1400 soon
Any suggestions are welcome too :)
I think you'll stay around 1600 for now.
I'd suggest more practice or harder practice for you.
https://mirror.codeforces.com/profile/madhurgupta185 Thanks!
Steady rise so I think you'll keep rising but not as fast as you currently do
Does it work for stock market too ?
I have been more successful at that than I was 3 years ago to say the least so in a way, yeah
Can you read my future please :pleading_face:
A clear application of the overshoot pattern but I predict you will keep the CM for now
We see here a potential double top so I think chances are 2250 will be seen before 2400 again
Maybe 2500 will be seen before 2250 again
I hope you will prove me wrong, you got this :pray:
Thanks :)
I think you'll hang here for a while.
You broke out of the cyan range but I expect the same behavior to happen here in blue, so a 1600-1750 range for now
It's safe to say this range will keep being respected based on your long term history
I think you will go towards 1000 and even 1100.
Hz_ If start doing contest again, when will my rating surpass 1900?
At your historical progression rate, in 2-3 years probably.
This is going to be a key moment, you either get to 1900+ fast or stay stuck for a long while between 1700 and 1800
I think you'll go down to 1000 rating and then back up towards 1200
After 5 tries I think you'll finally break out towards 1250 and later 1300
The range is tighter so I expect a big move soon, and from the looks of it, it's more likely for it to be an upward move.
Please predict for me Misa-Misa
Thank You :) Happy New Year :)
Judging by your pattern of rating growth so far, I expect a bounce towards 1400 soon
Here's some slow growth, I expect this to continue towards 1150 or 1200 in short term
Redpo please, I know I haven't participated in 15 rated contests yet but would still like to hear some of your insights, thanks :)
The range is tighter so I expect a big move soon, most likely for it to be an upward move.
I think you'll hang here around low master, though there's not too much div1 data to say with certainty
I don't predict myself lol, I am planning to return to contests one day
I think you'll stay here around 1200-1300 for now
There's a short term downfall which looks a bit concerning, so you might go a bit more down before you bounce back up
check mine also
You just broke out from your range, so I expect you to push towards 1200
I think you will range around here (low 1400s high 1300s area) for now
Can you predict my rating :)
You just got blue with a one off performance, however I think you can sustain yourself at that level and push higher but not before a pullback
Yeah thanks, I hope so too. I have done lots of training since my last contest.
Not touching that one haha, I think his results speak for themselves
CF limits how much someone can comment (15 comments per 10 mins) so I won't be able to reply you all right away but I'll try my best to reach to as many people as possible in the next hours or so
for me it's 1 comment per 10 minute , why this injustice with low rated people
I think you'll go back down towards 1200 before more upside.
I think you can go upwards towards 1700 short term.
I didn't give enough contests but if you can still predict, Thanks anyway.
The double top around 2540 looks a bit scary but I also see higher lows so I expect him to stay around this range for now
A slow upside towards 1200 is expected.
I think you'll stay around cyan range for now
Higher low and slightly higher highs, I expect this trend to continue for now
L_Wave ( UPD: modified the time )
Can I go red before 2025 New Year? It seems that 2093 to 2400 is very difficult.
The momentum is on your side, I think this is achievable judging from your graph, keep it going
I think your slow rating growth will continue for now
Can you predict my rating?
I think you'll stay in this range (1650-1750) for now
Thanks :)
I think you'll retake 1200 soon
I expect you to bounce back soon towards CM
I also expect me to bounce back soon towards CM (but I won't)
Not much recent data sorry
Hopefully i can be CM next year
I think you will keep rising, however you need a bit more momentum to reach CM next year
I expect the rise in rating to continue towards 1200
stdfloat kompo
stdfloat I expect the range to continue
kompo First a dip to 1200 then we'll see how contests turn out
Almost a perfect triple top, see you down around 1700, even 1650
tahmidarefin Thanks
You should bounce from here soon
fernandezpalomojosue Thanks
Seems like you will hang around 1500 for now
omg do me (uhh not like that but uh uh yes)
Nice bounce from that sudden dip, I expect the momentum to continue and go towards 2150-2200
I believe your slow growth will continue, but it will keep being slow
I think you'll bounce up soon, maybe even towards 1400
Thank you for believing in me)
Well done!
Will i grow ? https://mirror.codeforces.com/profile/Bosscoder
I don't see too much growth short term
Please check mine, thank you in advance:3
Can you explain your method for prediction? Is it based on technical analysis?
Pretty much TA + a bit of experience from what I see from people when competing. I've been active in this in some way or another for 10 years or so, and as a result I gained tons of experience.
Thanks a lot
yeetholmes619 :D
I think you should bounce from here
Probably not enough data but worth a try xD
I expect you to stay in the 1600-1700 range
challenge accepted :)
I think you'll keep going up towards 2500
Please ignore round 907. I had to leave 15 minutes into the contest to deal with an emergency.
I think your growth will continue towards 2100
You'll touch blue and then dip back soon
:3 Thanks
You'll bounce towards 1400
Yes please:
You'll bounce back towards 1400
I will do my best to reply to all comments written at or before today at 23:59 UTC+2. Take your chance to find your future rating before it's too late.
After that I will reply until the new year's day, depending on availability.
UPD: I won't reply to accounts with less than 15 contests.
I expect a dip to come soon judging from your rise, but the long term prospects are positive
Back to your usual 1100 rating, I expect you to stay around this range for now.
I think you'll dip for now but you got a nice trend there
I think you can have 1-2 more good contests then settle around 1250-1300
I expect a rangebound rating between 700 and 900
I think you'll stay around 1200 for a while
I think you'll come back to 1400s
I think you'll go towards 1350, maybe even 1400 soon
I feel like I've been improving but recent contests have just been unlucky, Or I might be just coping I'll have to find out
I think you'll soon start growing your rating again
I'm currently embracing the plateau (most embarassing part is that I lost expert due to a div3), please predict me lol
I think that plateau is here to stay unfortunately
I think you're due for a plateau around 1400-1500
I see...Thanks.
I think you will push towards 1800+, maybe even touch 1900
I think you'll come back towards blue soon
I think it will take a little while but you'll soon hit GM
Please bro!!
I think 1000+ and then a bit down towards 900
I think you'll go towards 1300 and higher short term
Thanks! blitztage
I can expect you to once again visit purple and then climb more towards 2200+, maybe even 2250
Thank you sirs!
Looks like I outdid the statistics stefdasca :)
Haha well done :)
Hi, could you please predict mine too.
Thanks in advance.
I think you'll be back to around 1250 soon
I think some good contests are coming, you'll soon see 1400+
I think you'll soon push towards 1200
I think you will climb some more to around 2200