hzyfr's blog

By hzyfr, 11 years ago, In English

IPSC 2014 will take place on June 15, 11:00 UTC at here. You can compete as a team with maximum 3 persons, or as an individual participant. Individuals will also have a separate standings.

Contest rule is similar as ICPC(5 hour duration, 10~15 problems, no partial score, penalty time); it is also very different however: problem format is submit answer/ interactive problem. Each problem has two subtasks, easy worth 1pt, hard 2pts. Details are available at the official page.

Winners of last year:

Open group: tourist, Petr, ACRush

Individual group: andrewzta

Secondary school group: roosephu, xlk, jqdai0815

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11 years ago, # |
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Andrew Stankevich == andrewzta

11 years ago, # |
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Y'know, there are 2 blog posts about IPSC :D (can be found under the tag)