The given is N non-negative numbers, select exactly K who provide minimal result of OR operation (binary OR operation).
Input The first line contains an integer N (1 ≤ K ≤ N ≤ 50). The next line contains N integers not exceeding 1000 000 000
Print result of OR operation selected K numbers.
2 2
1 3
6 3
5 2 4 1 7 5
Any ideas how to solve it?
Where I can submit it?
It is the task form Croatian contest, but if you want to submit you can use this link That link provide you on task at the evaluator. And you must be register to submit solution.
Can you submit this code?
16/160 points
backtracking should be enough if you prune the search when possible.
Could you please submit my solution
You can do this using a greedy algorithm. Let 2^x be the highest power of two smaller than or equal to the biggest of the integers in the input.
If there are less than k numbers with bit x not set (easy case): you will be forced to pick at least one number with bit x set, so answer will have bit x set no matter what you do.
If there are k or more numbers with bit x not set: it's always better to ignore all numbers in the input that have bit x set, because by not picking it you always get a smaller answer.
I submitted this solution and it was accepted, but I'll leave the implementation to you.