We will hold KAJIMA CORPORATION CONTEST 2024(AtCoder Beginner Contest 340).
- Contest URL: https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc340
- Start Time: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20240210T2100&p1=248
- Duration: 100 minutes
- Writer: kyopro_friends, Nyaan, leaf1415
- Tester: MMNMM, physics0523
- Rated range: ~ 1999
- The point values: 100-200-300-425-475-525-600
We are looking forward to your participation!
Hopefully I will bring my A game today and become cyan
Hope to place in Top 500
Hopefully that I can solve all the problems like last time:)
ps:last time I participate in ABC I become 1600+ which is 2 Kyu:)
Participated in ABC for the first time!
Want to solve for F!!!
F is way too easy for 525 points.
did you know about linear diophantine equations before the contest or you understood it during the contest ?
It's a pretty basic concept.
What is the C problem based on? How to solve it? Does it involve some observation? Can't use DP because of the constraint on n but I couldn't solve it at all throughout the contest. :/
Use DFS on states that a number meet until get to 1. Don't forget to save a state so you don't meet it again.
I get WA,what`wrong with it?
using ll =long long;
define endl '\n'
signed main(){ std::ios::sync_with_stdio(0); std::cin.tie(0); std::cout.tie(0);
log2(n) is creating problem as the constraints are upto 1e17.
log(pow(2,56)-1) = 56 but actually it should be 55.
Thank you for your reply
First, find out the leftmost set bit of n, i.e., basically
Let's say it is x, so we addx times n to our ans
and then calculaterem, i.e., n-(1<<x)
, and then addrem*2
to our ans.I tried this as well but it didn't pass for the 1e17 case. It passed for tbe rest so I was convinced that this is it but was very surprised at the end. I didn't use built-in C++ log function either. Can you share implementation if you did that?
How to solve F?
I know that the third point of the triangle should be on a line parallel with (0, 0), (X, Y) line. and we can find the line format(ax+b) but I don't know how to find an integer point on this line.
Linear Diophantine Equation
can we use this prewritten code during the contest ?
You don't need the whole code. It's just a single run of extended Euclid's algorithm.
After that you need to deal with a few cases (positive/negative numbers + value of gcd). Took me quite a while to figure out how to cover it. An example of a task that is a good intuition builder for
.Are centroid solutions passing in problem G?
What is the idea for the centroid solution? Is there a reason the centroid solution should not pass?
My centroid solution doesn't even pass the samples.
My thought process for E: Mancala 2.
Usually in these type of problems, people struggle with off-by-one errors. A clever way to avoid these bugs is to rely on Euclid's Divison Lemma. It says that ANY number can be written as :
where $$$div$$$ is read as Divisor and $$$0 \leq rem < div$$$. But that's not all, you can quickly find out $$$q$$$ and $$$rem$$$ via these equations.
Suppose we are performing the operations for the the box with $$$num$$$ balls. Then,
Now, it's easy to see that EVERY box will receive $$$q$$$ balls in Phase 1. And in phase 2, a total of $$$rem$$$ boxes would receive one ball each.
Now, how do we optimize this. Notice that Phase 1 is simply adding an increment $$$q$$$ to all elements of a subarray. While phase 2 is adding $$$1$$$ to possibly 2 subarrays (a prefix and a suffix). Hence, we need a data structure that can support range increment and point query.
Atcoder's library provides a data structure that can support range sum and point update queries. Now, how do we use it for this scenario? We can do so by simulating difference array. Some people like to maintain the difference array in the segment tree on the fly, however, I personally write a wrapper around it to make the code more readable. A sample implementation can look like.
Finally, we can use our custom data structure to perform range updates. The only challenge is to handle the updates via $$$rem$$$. But notice that it will always be a suffix and prefix update. Hence, you can first update the suffix, and if there are still some balls remaining, you can do a prefix update.
I am not sure if segment tree was an overkill for this problem. If it was, I'd love to know your alternate solutions.
why can't we just use line sweep?
Two minutes more please :'(
Any Hint for $$$F$$$?
I know till that , tell me more
And that's all??
Cant you solve $$$ax+by = \gcd(a,b)$$$??
can you explain why gcd(a,b)?
Area = |x1(y2 — y3) + x2(y3 — y1) + x3(y1 — y2)| / 2
now putting Area=1 and (x1,y1)=0,(x2,y2)=(X,Y) and let (x3,y3)=(x,y)=(A,B)
then 2=|Xy-xY|.
so possible answer is Xy-xY=2 or Xy-xY=-2. you have given X and Y and find (x,y) which satisfied any of above 2 equation which is standered problem
yeah I went that far but just couldn't solve the standard prbl, thanks for help
Any ideas about D? I solved it using dfs but get TLE :(
Oh, that's really easy after you mentioned it... Why didn't I think about that before...
Anyone tried to solve F as a computational geometry problem?
How to do B? I did it for half an hour but I can't solve it.
deque makes it easier
For D: Super Takahashi Bros, if you were not able to intuitively figure out why Dijkstra would work for the problem, I've written a tutorial on how to think of Dijkstra problems via BFS (which is usually easier to reason about).
Can someone please help me figure out why my $$$O(n \log^2 n)$$$ small-to-large merging TLEs only on star graphs?
move(vs.begin(), vs.end(), back_inserter(lhs->raw[k]));
You should use small to large here too.
Fifth -> Segment tree :)
Third is not dp
The most straightforward solution is still DP-ish
You need to implement
yourself though. Using floating point arithmetics will fail.I also did dp
Why are u using floor and ceil? Simply u can do n/2 and (n+1)/2
I did implement them as such -- after finding out that floor and ceil breaks due to precision errors
I think intended solution of $$$F$$$ mayn't be linear diophantine otherwise why would they say that the area has to be 1 not any other integer
The official editorial does look like a exgcd though. That $$$1$$$ is used to add to the complexity I believe, so you can't just use the results from exgcd.
But why it does not use a uncertain number like $$$S$$$ which is inputed?
maybe to confuse the participants to look for observations rather than googling standard solution
other possibility is they rushed problem setting that's why avoided extra input constraint
A-F easy, but G too hard.
Can anyone tell me how can I see the test cases of some problem at atcoder?
How can I get it for recent contests? Is there any other way?
it will be updated here , wait
Can someone please help me understand why my code is giving RE for just 1 test case of Problem D. All other test cases are AC.
There are n-1 inputs not n
Problem G can be solved using small to large merging. My submission
Why my code for E giving TLE??
is copying the input array on every invocation. I recommend you change your segment tree implementation to something like this: https://mirror.codeforces.com/blog/entry/18051Recursion slows things down, although it shouldn't be an issue.
Thank you dude
Yay, I first time solved problem G by myself without using hints (after contest though). This time it is quite simple. Usually it requires some strange not widely known theorems, but this one didn't required anything except dfs and simple combinatorics.
My solution.
Solve for each color independently. Solve first this simple task: there are vertices of only one color. We need to calculate number of subgraphs-trees (How to call subgraph, which is a tree, actually?). Let $$$dp[v]$$$ is the number of subgraph-trees, which are in subtree of $$$v$$$ and have $$$v$$$ in them. Then $$$dp[v] = (dp[c_1] + 1) \cdot (dp[c_2] + 1) \cdot \dots $$$, where $$$c_i$$$ are children of $$$v$$$. And the answer is $$$res = dp[1] + dp[2] + \dots$$$.
Now back to full problem. Can we for every color just create a graph with edges $$$u-v$$$ if $$$u$$$ is lowest ansestor of $$$v$$$ with the same color and then run the same algorithm? Well, not really. There can be a situation, when two vertices of some tree have $$$lca$$$ of some othere color. Then path between them will not be calculated. How to fix it? Let's just add all those $$$lca$$$ to the tree and do the same. There are not many $$$lca$$$ and to get them all, we can build an euler tour on vertices of this color and add $$$lca$$$ for every two adjacent vertices.
How the $$$dp$$$ changes? Now we have some additional fictitious vertices $$$v$$$, which have other color. For them we simply do two things. First, $$$dp[v] -= 1$$$, because there is no subgraph-tree with only this vertice. There are also no subgraph-trees, for which $$$v$$$ is the root, but we can use them in upper subtrees, so we need to pass them up. So, second, for such $$$v$$$ do $$$res -= dp[c_1] + dp[c_2] + \dots$$$, where $$$c_i$$$ are children of $$$v$$$.
For G we don't need stack to find the parents, if we sort the array of vertices again based on pre-dfs order (after adding LCAs) then for each $$$0 < i$$$ we have $$$LCA(x_{i-1}, x_i) = p[x_i]$$$ where $$$p[x]$$$ is parent of vertex $$$x$$$.
I can't find the testcases for ABC340 on dropbox, there's only upto ABC335. Do anyone know how to find?
wait for 2 weeks
Can you tell me why I am getting WA in this E solution? https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc340/submissions/50242534
There's some bug in your segment tree template. AC submission after making the limits less restrictive (which somehow shadows the bug(?)).
Thanks for your response. Can you share your segment tree template?
I don't have one. I use the Atcoder library's segment tree, as described in this comment
For G: Leaf Color: I created a practice contest and blog discussing the $$$O(n)$$$ Tree DP idea for a fixed color. The editorial mentions that this is a good exercise for blue coders, so I encourage you to submit to the practice contest.