Shayan asked if he could interview me and I said "Why not?" The thing will happen in the near future on Shayan's YouTube channel Algorithms with Shayan.
Meanwhile, you can join his community in Discord and send questions to me on a special channel. Or you can ask the questions in the comments here.
I will not monitor the comments because I don't want to know the questions beforehand. Shayan will choose the most interesting questions to be featured in the interview!
Thank you, Um_nik.
Seen way too many umnik ama's... Maybe make actual CP content?
Will do. Give me time.
What did Alex do on the 4th of December, 2016?
Haha, I don't think many people would understand this joke, but they can try.
That's not a joke but a serious question
Why are you no longer uploading screencast of the contests,i love those.
have you ever thought about changing your handle to cum_nik for the lulz?
What a boring joke. I'm sure whenever you talk to yourself in the mirror, your reflection falls asleep
Oops.. Too late now.
nice name btw :)
Why I can't join the discord server?
Is it an issue or is it something that I should ask Um_nik?
This is the invitation link to the server:
Where can I get Um_nik's music playlist? Required for upcoming Div. 4 speedrun.
( ゚д゚)
In the recent interview with Shayan, alireza_kaviani said that he believes in a natural ceiling for everyone. However, in one of your previous AMAs,I think you said that anyone can become GM (which kind of means you don't believe in a natural ceiling). What is your opinion on that?
Also, do you have a favorite problem category(constructive, ad-hoc, dp, graph, geometry, combinatorics etc)?
How to solve saumat.
Is it a virtual interview or face-to-face interview??
how to cope after failure ??
I have 5 Questions: -When did your journey start in the world of CP? -Does your family encourage you to become better in CP or your school or it's just a coincidence that you entered this world and became good in it? -Does CP is your main job (Your source of income) or it's became something like habit to you? -Are you really enjoying it? -If you had a little brother and you want him to became a LGM in the future how would you make him practice and love this world (CP world).
1 question 2 situations
Let's imagine that you agreed to work as a problem-solving tutor.
The question: How much do you charge per hour for tutoring?
Situation #1: 1-on-1 tutoring, or it can be a group of a small number of students.
Situation #2: Getting hired by a university to coach their students and teams.
Also, I like to add a general non-personal follow-up question: In your opinion, how much should someone with regular skills (bellow GM) charge per hour on average?
The reason behind the question is the lack of information about these criteria.
Um_nik Why don't you believe in talent?
Um_nik having your wonderful experience what would you suggest for someone who wants to reach Div-1, what kind of mistakes would you avoid based on the acquired experience right now?
What's the discord join link, none of them here works
the provided discord link is expired Shayan
Oh, thanks for mentioning it.
Please use this link: https://discord.gg/emS2FX7mhv
Hello, I tried to click on the link to Shayan's YouTube channel and it doesn't seem to work. Is his channel still on YouTube? I tried searching for it and found this one.
Could someone verify?
got deleted