Hi I am a 26 year old software engineer in an MNC. I wanted to start competitive programming my intention is just to enjoy the process and keep my brain sharp. No as such goal to become red coder, just wanted to do it as a hobby. Am i too late to start ? or is it not worth to give my time on this ?
No, not late. And since you are novice, remember the rule: do not ask stupid questions here, better solve more problems.
One of the coldest comment I have ever seen on codeforces.
Yet one of the most straightforward comment.
It's a lot more better than those warm-looking cheater expose blogs and ask for improvement blogs that describes actually no info.
He didn't ask anything stupid. Maybe he is feeling uncertain and looking for encouragement. That is perfectly fine.
He asked a stupid question with obvious answer, because there is no obstacle to solve cp problems at any age if can.
It doesn’t have anything to do with "obvious answer".
Bro got western too fast
if you like it then just start it you don't even need to ask us and even if someone says no it should not discourage you from doing something you like good luck in your journey
CP is illegal in most countries, please consider another hobby
Since you are an 'expert' in CP, what's your country?
Nice try fed
Hadn't you started it more then 2 years ago?
Imagine someone worried about being late to start running/cycling/dancing/drawing/whatever as a hobby, at X age.
By definition, hobbies are meant for pleasure, so there is no need to worry about time, worth or lateness, just try it out, if you like problem-solving it will be fun. 👍
I'm 26. will be 27 in a few months. I started late in my uni year. Dropped it because i flunked c in first year and thought i wasn't meant for computers. Picked up python, found it much easier. Joined atcoder solved bunch of easy problems too boost my ego. Came to codeforces again, to start afresh and will continue i guess till i don't get a life or nagging wife.
I am 167 yo. You're only 26 man come on just do it!
It's not too late. It's never too late.
Even if I say "It'll be all right"
Still I hear you say, you want to end your life
Irrelevant to post reply, but really orz bruder...
It is difficult to reach high rating, but even more difficult to reach negative rating.... My friend gave a contest solving nothing, but still got +300...
What's your secret behind this path bro?
If you wish you'd started earlier, then perhaps later you'll wish you've started now.
To start CP you only need passion for it age does not matter..
I started at 31.
Hey,good evening. Can you please tell more about your experience and how you started with.
Nothing special. I was learning python for something related to my job, then one of my colleagues told me about Codeforces. I only wanted to be better than him. Then I found a discord group and people there made me push further. Now, my current goal is to be CM, let's see how much time it takes.
Life is meaningless without problem solving. Start CP and get a meaning for life.
yes it is , so what , who cares ? doesn't it feel nice to do things that are not meant to be done.
I died at the age of 19 protecting my world. And here you're talking about CP? Of course you can start.
And now I know your name and face
Me as an example, I am not even computer science major. I start CP at my age of 25, just one year before 26, and now I am 29, and I am Master level (maybe drop back to CM or expert sooner, but at least I have been master before).
I like the way you progressed. I bet your proving skills are amazing.
I'm a software engineer as well, and had never spent much time at these kinds of coding problems before. Started CP a few months ago, at 38, and currently enjoying learning many things that I didn't have the chance or was too lazy to learn when I was younger. Just have fun!
very orz
I hope I'm not afraid to try/learn new things when I'm 38!
No, if you are enjoying it there is definitely no problem doing this as a hobby
In China we can see some questions like "Is 6 year old late to start CP?":)
Since humanity failed to reject femboys, the end of the world is coming. You should focus on spending the last few years with your friends and family before Earth explodes.
Yes it's too late. From age 20 your brain function declines, there is no sense in starting in CP anymore. Better consider starting a less mentally taxing hobby like knitting or painting mandalas.
i hope it was a joke
I am of course very super serious. Which is why I of course will quit codeforces when I turn 21 in a few month, and maybe focus on collecting stamps and baking instead.
you can start cycling/tennis/golf/soccer any time whenever you want
same applies to cp, but
you will never be pro, you will never catch up someone who start tennis at 12,
same applies to cp, so
as long as keep it as hobby, it's ok.
I think it's all about perspective. If you put in effort and believe you can improve, it's extremely likely that you will. If you believe you're blocked by your age, then maybe you'll quit before you get the chance to improve.
Inspiration: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Late_bloomer
I started in 19 (now I am also 26) and I found even that late.
But worth or not is a personal matter. What do you think you'd get away from CP?
If that was purely to enjoy the process and sharpening brain as you said, then sure, it's totally worth it. Think of it like every sport. Unless aimed for professional career, I think there is no "late" for activities with pure sportsmanship spirit.
How did you get the 10-year badge, if you started CP only 7 years ago?
The badge was there at the celebration of Codeforces' 10-year anniversary, and any account at that day could claim it (with a donation to the site) XD
It wasn't about my account being senior enough to be able obtain it.
Sorry, didn't knew about that
age is just a simple digit of number...if you get success, we'll want to know how to solve the question easy way..Noone want to your age... :)
I started at 33.
Tomorrow is always later than today.
I started at 23, it might be early but remember, I am not even from a science background! never studied any technical thing seriously in my entire life and took commerce as my stream in 12th standard(high school). anything is possible.
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.
Chinese proverb
statistically yes,
you are probably top 4% oldest people on this site.
nearly half of red people is underage btw, and also 4/10 top 10 rated people is under 18
and this is my personal belief, I do think rating is inversely proportional to age with few exceptions like (tourist and some other LGM though every one of them were already at least GM level at the point when they were kids) because if you start late you need to spend more time but kids learn very very fast however you cannot afford time.
Age is just a number go ahead and enjoy the process
Yes because it's useless now