Hi Codeforces,
Today I've added the historical results of Google Hash Code finals to the Competitive Programming Hall of Fame website! Years 2019-2022 have been added to the newly made "Major Team Competitions" category, while 2015-2018 seasons were categorized as "Regional International Contests" because they were available only for participants from the EMEA region back then.
Here are the final standings for all the seasons: Link
Unfortunately, for years 2018 and earlier, I don't know the team members for a majority of finalist teams. So, you will help a lot if you know more about it and can send this information in the comments secontion below or here.
Last but not the least, now you have a possibility to make a donation to Competitive Programming Hall of Fame to support the project. I've created a special page for that.
Fantastic initiative. This not only honors past achievements but also enriches the competitive programming community's heritage.