Norp's blog

By Norp, history, 11 months ago, In English

I always come back ...

Hello codeforces!!!!

This is almost the best week in which I was able to do a lot of things. I'll start with the contests. The last 2 contests were positive for me. The recent global round practically consisted of problems on greedy algorithms. I solved AB in it without any effort, but on this contest, I thought for a long time about the solution for C, but was only able to decide after the end of the competition. About the last Div3 contest: I was also able to solve 2 problems, but C..... At first I just wrote brute force for it, to my surprise it gave a complete solution. But after that, I immediately realized that it would fail during system tests, and began to come up with a solution greedily, but there was little time left for its implementation. I tried as much as I could, but I couldn't solve C. The day before yesterday I completed the last 2 contests, in the global round I solved C and E, in Div3 I solved C. It turns out I was so close to solving C, but time let me down. If I had time to solve C then, then I would now 100% be a pupil. Yesterday I finished 2nd mashup, I solved C and D from the mashup. As I noticed, many people liked this mashup. Also yesterday I FINALLY FINISHED the 1st hundred level 800 problems. Yes, although this achievement is worthless for many, for me it gave me more motivation to move forward. By the way, while finishing the last 10 problems of level 800, I decided to work through them for speed, and as a result, I solved these ten in +- half an hour. Specifically, today I did not do much in programming, since I had other things to do and did not have time to do much. But today, during the contest...................... Because of my stupidity, I decided to write it for the last half hour, I thought “come on, take a risk”, but in the end it will result in at least a -50 rating, if not a -100. I will never make this, like the previous mistake during 937 Div4, again. Thank God I was able to solve at least A in the last seconds of the competition.

By the way, many people were interested in my materials on various topics. I will upset your. I composed these themes myself out of a pure understanding of what was presented to me. For example, I compiled a recent article about the MEX of array only using autor code and a small search on the Internet.

Plans for tomorrow:

Finish Edu 164, finish a set of problems on the topic of prefixes and suffixes (the problems there are difficult, so they take a lot of time), complete E F G H of my mashup, move on to level 900+ problems.

See you later!!!!!!!!!!

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11 months ago, # |
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Continue blogging???

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    11 months ago, # ^ |
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    obviously... If you have the goal of surpassing RedMachine-74.

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    11 months ago, # ^ |
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    Keep going. Posting once a week really isn't that annoying and it's nice to see that you're keeping up your efforts.

11 months ago, # |
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Div3C you mentioned is good to practice prefixes and suffixes (alternative to what proposed in editorial). spoiler: 255709164

11 months ago, # |
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Sorry to say this, but even with solving C, you wouldn't have been pupil. You would have not gotten top 8,000 even if you solved C at the last second, which would be a nice improvement, but not pupil. To get pupil in that contest, you would have had to get top 4,500 or around there. Hopefully you can do better next contest, as todays didn't go too well for you.

11 months ago, # |
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Good luck, come on

11 months ago, # |
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I had a similar goal to yours and i reached pupil in 2 months now my goal is reach cyan in the next 2 months idk if it is possible since the exams in my university will start in 2 weeks :( , anyway goodluck.

11 months ago, # |
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Hey bro I love your blog! I am in trying to make the purple for a long time! But almost give up. But your work gives me motivation! Let's keep workingb hard!

11 months ago, # |
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Try to solve 1100 1300 rated problems with a honest try of 30 to 45 min they see the editorial and be consistent