Let's discuss the problems of IATI(International Advanced Tournament in Informatics) 2024.
Day 1
Day 2
# | User | Rating |
1 | jiangly | 3898 |
2 | tourist | 3840 |
3 | orzdevinwang | 3706 |
4 | ksun48 | 3691 |
5 | jqdai0815 | 3682 |
6 | ecnerwala | 3525 |
7 | gamegame | 3477 |
8 | Benq | 3468 |
9 | Ormlis | 3381 |
10 | maroonrk | 3379 |
# | User | Contrib. |
1 | cry | 167 |
2 | -is-this-fft- | 165 |
3 | Dominater069 | 160 |
4 | atcoder_official | 159 |
4 | Um_nik | 159 |
6 | djm03178 | 156 |
7 | adamant | 153 |
8 | luogu_official | 149 |
8 | awoo | 149 |
10 | TheScrasse | 146 |
Let's discuss the problems of IATI(International Advanced Tournament in Informatics) 2024.
I found only binary search solution: find 1st, then 2nd... '1' with binary search for ~24 pts.
Brute force for ~13 pts.
Partial sum for 5 pts.
Did what the problem says with deque for 30pts.
Couldn't find how to update fast, got 42 pts.
Brute force for 6 pts.
Name |
the problems, submissions of participants and standings of junior and senior group
Is there any total(day1+day2) standings?
idk I think no
There are unofficial combined standing created by someone of participants, if somebody has link, they can share =)
I felt like you know the link or someone who knows the link, if yes, can you share?
Btw, for those who don't know it yet, but want to know their result, afaik medal cutoffs (at official ceremony) were: ~107 points Bronze; ~163 points Silver; ~251 points Gold
Is it possible to see ceremony?
Do you know medal cutoffs for juniors?
Upd2 (changed the link to one with fixed countries): seniors and juniors standings with medals can be found here
Can the organizers please correct the Senior standings? I am 56th but it says someone else's name there, tho the country is correct.
In standings I also became Egyptian :D
а вы какую медаль получили
мои поздравлееия желаю побольше таких медалей!
too dominant
Спасибо! =)
here are the results
It seems to be fixed now =)
k1r1t0 orz
when is closing ceremony?
When they catch all the cheaters
According to the schedule it's finished.
On the first day, the worst tasks of the seniors that I have seen. Maybe I think so, because before that I only participated in juniors.
Idk, to me they felt quite nice. (And definitely nicer than last year's iati tasks, for example)
also I would say that when participating in IATI, you should be aware of how "specific" problems are =)In particular, day1A was very nice and interesting to play with, to me felt quite simillar to
ioi2017 day2A
Day1B, while having a bit of messy implementation, had straightforward idea for 33 points (place "forced" bridges in bfs-like manner), and for further points it kinda told you directly what to do with grader's "TimePassed()" function.
randomization. While you can place forced bridges, do so; if you have some bridges unplaced and don't have any "forced" randomly pick one and randomly extend it in some of possible directions. Repeat this randomized solution until you find a solution to problem, or quit when you don't have enough time. This all together brought me almost 42 points, which isn't big improvement from 33.33 p. solution, but on day1 even such small partials were deciding.
And well, only for problem C i can agree that matrix expo isn't IOI-syllabulus knowledge, but neither it is some extremely hard or advanced topic =) In rest problem wasn't that bad either (although not my favourite, yeah)
But speaking of whole day1 problemset, I really can't call it bad. Problem A definitely was good and for problem B you can't complain that problem in programming competition required you to implement something :)
(All said above is not meant to be offensive, just wanted to express my opinion on tasks, as I saw many people complain about them)
Can you tell more about day1, day2?
But my comment literally described day1?
What about day2?
The juniors had 4 tasks from competitors from the senior group!
Is there a mirror/virtual where I can submit?
The tasks given at the Junior section can be accessed on Kilonova
The senior tasks will be uploaded soon too.
thank you!
How is it even possible to solve junior day 1 B? Like you can only solve for L <= 16 with ceil(log2(n)) = 16 calls using binary search but to get full score you need to call it only once which for me seems impossible. Is it supposed to be hardcoded?
I guess it's forbidden here to ask questions
I almost forgot. Congratulations on the bronze!
This olympiad in my opinion had not the best problems and not the best TL(hate day 1 A,B, and TL on day 2 A), but I had some fun.
On day 1, I spent 4h out of 5 just grinding C to get AC using matrix exponentiation (got 81, optimized to around 0.9-1.2s, but TL is 0.7, which makes sense), and on day 2 spent 4.5h out of 5 just getting AC on A (really wanted to get full score, and quickly knew how to solve it), because TL was very strict for me (in fact I almost gave up, but at the end resubmitted my solution, which was previously working 1.012s to 0.994s).
Funnily, those two problems (81+100) were enough to get me silver (plus 27+7 on other two problems), so that's cool. I think I will take it more seriously next time, not grind one problem for the whole contest, and try to get much higher place.