A few days ago, the team selection of Türkiye was completed after a glorious and intense battle. Since no one has posted a blog for the IOI teams yet, I have taken up the responsibility this year. Here is the IOI team of Türkiye:
Cengiz Eray Aslan (ErrrrrrrayReis37) — 3rd time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Berke İnan Tol (kaIimm) — 2nd time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Duru Özer (Weobe) — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Noyan Cantürk (carcinisation) — 1st time at IOI, 3 attempts left
I wish the best of luck to all the participants. If you could kindly let me know the members of your team in the comments, I will be happy to update the list of participating teams. Good luck, and see you there!
UPD: Added column for max rating average
Azerbaijan's team:
dmraykhan will win IOI!
NeroZein will win and good lock to all
I hope China win good luck to orz team
What a strong team! Good luck going for Türkiye's 4th gold.
Why the mention date of tolbi is newbie, his max is international master?
and right now he is cm, strange
He is a new version of rainboy
Good luck to Türkie and all countries
How so accurate? It was their 4th gold.
What a performance by Weobe! Congrats!
I hope ErrrrrrrayReis37 gets the right color this time.
carcinisation will win IOI2024!!
who became fifth at TST? wondering about the 5th place curse...
It's kind of ambigious this time (clearly because 555 wasn't competing), because our commitee decided to choose the team with %20 National OI and %80 Team Selection Contest score for the first time this year. But CMS was incredibly bad on the first day of the National OI, and there were tons of people who suffered from not being able to get feedback and not being able to submit for long periods of time. (If you were lucky enough like me, you could also get the special treatment of "We're going to accidentally cut your Ethernet cable and stall you for the next 3 hours.") This %20 is going to be the deciding factor for the 4th member, and there are still no official results, so it's up to you to choose your 5th placer. You can look into the unofficial results from this sheet made by kaIimm using all the AP Statistics knowledge we've acquired the previous week.
Brazil's team:
Pedro Rey (_rey) — 2nd time at IOI, 2 attempts left
Arthur Lobo (LoboLobo) — 2nd time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Felipe Lalic (Lalic) — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Maria Clara (clarinha) — 1st time at IOI, 4 attempts left
4 attempts left excluding this IOI? That's amazing. Congratulations and good luck to all of you!
Kyrgyzstan Team:
Ian Bobrus (yanb0) — first time at IOI, 3 attempts left
Alihan Aidarbekov (Alihan_8) — second time at IOI, 1 attempts left
Abdulaziz Lebiev (Relice) — first time at IOI, 1 attempts left
Baytoro Mairambekov (Baytoro) — second time at IOI, 0 attempt left
(Can be one more attempt, the government has extended the school education system by one year)
wait your legendary Aidar Munduzbaev has no attemts left? Sad that he couldnt get gold
Yeah, unfortunately it was his last atttempt and he was only 9 points beyond gold. And if government extended to one year before he left, not after, he would mosts likely get first gold in Kyrgyzstan history.
We have only 11 grades in Kyrgyzstan and I went to school one year early. So yeah, last year was my last chance, despite me being 17 right now. However, this year I will hopefully be in Kyrgyz IOI delegation and help out guys to get the first gold for Kyrgyzstan. Good luck to contestants from all countries.
Will we play volleyball again? :D
Yeah definitely, we should!! :D Will you come to IOI 24?
hopefully :)
Will find out in a week
See you at ioi24!
Greeting everyone from beautiful lake of Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan!! There are 3 members of Kyrgyz IOI team on this photo. Guess who is who :) Btw, I made the delegation team and can't wait to meet everyone on the IOI. Share your team photos too!
There definitely isn't yanb0 on photo xd
I like the presence of (seemingly) volleyball ball on the photo. Greetings from Moldova!
Iran's team:
All of them are participating for the first time at IOI, we wish them the bests, may the code be with them!
back in 2021, there was an "Ali team" now it's an "Amir team".
good luck Amir team)
Amirs are stronger than Alis, I promise ;)
Strong Team (as usual). I wanted to ask about whether you will be coming to Egypt or participating online. I have heard about Iran having bad relations with Egypt. (reference being this comment, blog is about the last ICPC(s) held in Egypt)
US IOI team results aren't out yet, but I'd assume rainboy will be on the list
rainboy orz
Didn't rainboy finish school?
I believe he's either in his second to last year or his last year
he's completing school years in reverse order — won't graduate until 1st grade
Feet_McYeet will win IOI 2024!
Feet_McYeet will win IOI 2024!
Feet_McYeet will win IOI 2024!
Feet_McYeet will win IOI 2024!
best comment i've ever seen XD
Kazakhstan's team:
can you share the full results of tst? If is there a pic or sheet like that
nah, i have no results
Where is Wansur?
5th on TST:(
I screwed up on TST
hope this will only make you stronger
good luck foe everyone who will particpate in ioi and hope all you get medals
Argentina's team:
Eduardo Carranza Vélez (Edu175) — 2nd time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Bianca Vicente (biank) — 2nd time at IOI, 2 attempts left
Juan José Läderach (EspectroOcteto) — 1st time at IOI, 2 attempts left
Fabrizio Lautaro Brandellero (FabriATK) — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left
China's team:
Good luck to them!
They brought guns to a fist fight.
This team must be called Galaxy's Team!
This team must be called Stardust Crusaders
They don't need any luck
There are less than 60 active LGMs in the world with 3 in china's team this year.
in fact,the last one preson also became LGM
Cuba's team:
Camilo Triana Barata (CTB220406) — 2nd time at IOI, 0 attempts left.
Marco Antonio Escandón García (Marco_Escandon) — 2nd time at IOI, 1 attempts left.
Maité Morales Carreras (Maite_Morales) — 1st time at IOI, 2 attempts left.
Francis José Rodríguez Ronda (SN0WM4N) — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left.
I don't know if the entire team will be able to travel.
Impressive! Congratulations, and I wish you all luck in the IOI! May the strongest of wills win :)
South Korea:
Mingyu Woo (Mingyu331) — 1st time, 1 attempt left
Heewoo Jung (heeew) — 1st time, 0 attempts left
Min-chan Jung (mickeyjung) — 1st time, 2 attempts left
Eunseong Kim (kes0716) — 1st time, 1 attempt left
I feel bad that qwerasdfzxcl didn't make it.
As a contestant, qwerasdfzxcl is handsome
orzdevinwang will win IOI2024!
carcinisation will win IOI2024!!
And PieArmy will win EJOI2024!!!!
Spain's IOI team is:
Alejandro Vivero Puga (Esomer) — 2nd time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Javier Badesa Pérez (Dalek_of_Rivia) — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Daniel Nieto Pérez (danx) — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Héctor Verdeal Rodríguez (Hectorungo_18) — 1st time at IOI, 1 attempt left
United Kingdom's team:
where is erekle?
at uni
Taiwan's team:
Chen Po-Kai (becaido) — 2nd time at IOI (IOI 23 Silver), 0 attempts left.
Chang Ping-Chung (PCC) — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left.
Chao Yi-Yu (zacharychao) — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left.
Tsao Yun-Sao (LittleOrange666) — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left.
The 4th contestant has not been determined yet.
Edit : The 4th contestant is LittleOrange666
Three LGMs in china's team is crazy...
IOI 2024 Team Russia
Daria Grekova (arbuzick) — 1st time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Ivan Piskarev (Qwerty1232) — 2nd time at IOI (IOI 23 Gold), 0 attempts left
Gimran Abdullin (bashkort) — 2nd time at IOI (IOI 23 Gold), 1 attempt left
Petr Losev (green_gold_dog) — 1st time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Greetings from our team! Share your team photos too!
P.S: Guess who is who :)
он реально шарит в этом
P.S: Take a look to second from left's t-shirt
From left to right: bashkort, green_gold_dog, arbuzick, Qwerty1232
Good luck to team Russia!
bashkort orz
Abito orz for making it to the IOI as well!
thanks <3
Vietnam's team:
Japan's team:
Wow. I thought Japan was competitive, but a blue got admitted to IOI. Seems they aren't what they used to be.. /s
what about checking the profile first
The greatest trick of the devil is convincing everyone he isn't there...
Or something like that
make better jokes
be less aggressive
Also, it's besides the point, but I'd like to draw your attention to how my comment got twice the attention the original post got. Just that this time it's negative. Really makes you think huh
also, please go easy on the alts. It hasn't been 5 minutes since the comment and you already scored 10 upvotes. Be less lame than this
you caught my master alts :(
Some Japanese just don't participate in CF contest, you can check his/her AtCoder Profile (for reference, I would say AtC 2400 is about GM/IGM on cf, though the problem style is a bit different)
Ukraine's team:
160cm will win IOI 2024!
xGaz_ will win IOI
In China's team,there are 3 participants who are legendary grandmaster!And the others one was legendary grandmaster in the past too!
Hope they can get a wonderful results!
MagicalFlower max rate is LGM too, so 4 participants who are legendary grandmasters!
shenfe1 will win IOI 2024
Team Cyprus:
Team Slovakia:
Eliška Macáková (prvocislo) — 4th time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Viliam Gottweis (Sanozvrz) — 1st time at IOI, 2 attempts left
Martin Šindelář (IMackerI) — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Patrik Prítrský (pritrskypatrik) — 1st time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Surprisingly, each of us has 6 letters in the first name and 8 letters in the surname. Our IOI statistics page is going to look super neat :)
prvocislo orz will win IOI2024!
Sweden's team:
hope they are successful
Dinohadzic will win IOI 2024[user:DInohadzic]
Kubic will win ioi 2024!
No, orzdevinwang will win in IOI 2024!!!
why not all ak ioi
I don't understand, what are you saying to me??(I mean what ak)??
In China,“AK” is the abbreviation for “All-Killed”.
That means they will get 600 points in IOI 2024.
sorry,that means they will solve all of the problem and each of them will win。
Armenia's Team:
• Tsovak Yegoryan (Tsovak) — 2nd time at IOI, 1 attempt left.
• Alex Grigoryan (alex_2008) — 1st time at IOI, 2 attempts left.
• Hakob Ayvazyan (c2zi6) — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left.
• Gagik Gevorgyan (GaGeV) — 3rd time at IOI, 1 attempt left.
Issa will win IOI2024
Belarus's team:
Michail Brel (qilby) $$$−$$$ 2nd time on IOI, 2 attempts left
Kirill Kardash (k1r1t0) $$$−$$$ 1st time on IOI, 3 attempts left
Dmitriy Gorbatovskiy (topovik) $$$−$$$ 1st time on IOI, 0 attempts left
Andrey Sobolenko (mechakotik) $$$-$$$ 1st time on IOI, 0 attempts left
k1r1t0 orz
Turkmenistan's team:
Congratulations stdfloat!
Yeah good luck to them.
It is not officially published our IOI team.carcinisation It is early to add our team
Yeah he is right don't add it to blog now please
You also remove/change your comment,please!
I removed the entry from the table. Let me know when your official team gets announced.
This accountant capybara is the best!
Team France :
oscar1f_will_win_IOI2024 !
Team Moldova:
Blagoj orz
you should use average of the ones with cf accounts
then Belgium average will be 1564.
I changed it now. Thanks for correcting :)
Georgia's team:
Irakli Sulamanidze(Phantom_Performer) — 2nd time at IOI,0 attempts left
Davit Dzadzamia(DzadzoD) — 1st time at IOI, 2 attempts left
Nika Meliqishvili(Nika533) — 1st time at IOI, 2 attempts left
Otar Tsibadze(otarius) — 1st time at IOI, 3 attempts left
otarius will win IOI 2027!
Tajikistan's Team:
How many attempts left?
each of them has 3 attempts more
Turkmenistan's Team
Kemal Kochekov • Kochekov
Yhlas Yklymov • stdfloat
Hojamuhammet Hydyrov • MuhammetH
Halym Annageldiyev • Halym2007
No it is not true.Kemal Kochekov is not a student he can't participate in IOI 2024!
Ok bro
Is this official or not?
No it's incorrect do not listen to them I will write you when Turkmenistan's official team will be announced!
Dear carcinisation, our official representative in Turkmenistan is Kerim.K.
Don't listen to any other sources.
Yeah you are right but do you think he will write here our team??(I don't think so).And I_love_Leyeli_Meredova you know me bro I will not give incorrect information.
you all wrote Turkmen team three times, and it's all wrong.
therefore, there is an official representative in all countries
Guys, c'mon, stop the drama. Mind your own businesses. Here is the official team of Turkmenistan (in order) as one of the guys mentioned before, fyi carcinisation:
Romania's team is (in order):
Andrei_ierdnA -- 1st time at IOI, 2 attempts left
RaresFelix -- 1st time at IOI, 1 attempt left
ntherner -- 1st time at IOI, 2 attempts left
anpaio -- 1st time at IOI, 3 attempts left
With these news in mind, I would like to thank the Federation of Olympic Programming of Ukraine from the bottom of my heart.
I have been told that the previous comment can, as most internet things, be very poorly interpeted, as much as I have seen first hand how. This is a follow-up to clear the air for the better, hopefully.
For context, the reason of the remark was from the fact that the first ever day was proposed by authors affiliated with the federation. My performance in that contest was horrible, and it led me to have a very rough time in the rest of the TST.
As I understand, the people of FOPU are already doing an enourmous effort to carry their weight and to help the development of OI/CP in their national sphere. As truly, generally is the case with such congruent organisations. The fact that such people do so much by basically donating loads of their own time for little to no monetary compensation to these sorts of activities speaks of some very noble qualities of said individuals, and these things should receive significantly more praise than they already do.
Again, sorry to the FOPU, if by any means they have been hurt somehow by the eponymous remark in my last comment. I wished for it to remain a sarcastic message, poking fun at, what fortunately summed up to be in the end, a funny inconsistence, and I envisioned by no means actually being destructive and hurtful.
What the fuck valeriu you're a 9th grader at the time of the last IOI, tibinye is, like 10th or 11th grade or something. God
anpaio is a 9th grader at the time of this IOI 😁
(unofficial) Hong Kong team:
Siu Lok Yin, bedrockfake — 1st time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Wong Chun, WongChun1234 — 3rd time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Kwan Yung Ho, culver0412 — 1st time at IOI, 2 attempts left
Choy Tsz Chai Berton, onbert — 1st time at IOI, 2 attempts left
carcinisation, it is official team now.
Hungary's team:
For real:
gortomi — 1st time at IOI, 2 attempts left
Error-42 — 3rd time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Valaki2 — 3rd time at IOI, 1 attempt left
zsombor — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left
how many attemts left?
k1r1t0 will win IOI 2024
k1r1t0 orz!
Wishing good luck to Pakistan's Team
Mongolia's team:
Irmuun Chinbat (Irmuun.Ch) — 1st time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Onolt Khurtsbilguun (Onolt_kh) — 2nd time at IOI, 0 attempt left
Tamir Jamiyangarav (tamir1) — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempt left
Erkhem Ganzorig (ezzzay) — 1st time at IOI, 2 attempt left
Good luck to Mongolia's team!
Uzbekistan's team:
Asilbek Sunnatov (Sunnatov) — 2nd time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Husanboy Mansuraliev (Husanboy) — 2nd time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Ulugbek Rahmatullaev (heaven2808h) — 1st time at IOI, 2 attempts left
Mardon Hazratov (MardonbekHazratov) — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Blagoj Rujanoski Stojanovski (Blagoj) $$$-$$$ 2nd time at IOI, 2 attempts left
Damjan Davkov (damjandavkov) $$$-$$$ 2nd time at IOI, 2 attemts left
Viktor Maksimoski (-VM-) $$$-$$$ 1st time at IOI, 3 attempts left
Sofija Velkovska (coolplum) $$$-$$$ 2nd time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Blagoj orz
TimDee orz
Blagoj orz
prvocislo orz
Blagoj Orz
NemanjaSo2005 orz
TimDee Orz
NemanjaSo2005 orz
Blagoj orz
wxhtzdy orz
Bro literally cooked with his lockpicking skills
Rules are meant to be broken (brute forced)
damjandavkov orz
Serbia's team:
Miloš (wxhtzdy) Milutinović — 2nd time at IOI(Silver IOI 2023), 0 attempts left
Nemanja (NemanjaSo2005) Majski — 2nd time at IOI(Bronze IOI 2023), 0 attempts left
Mihailo (prokulijander) Jančević — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Uroš (urosk) Kostadinović — 1st time at IOI, 1 attempt left
wishing good luck to all participants, especially Team Pakistan(TBA) for their first ever participation
Team Ireland:
Piotr Stelmaszek (pitu), 1st time at IOI
Fionn Kimber O'Shea (FionnKimberOShea), 2nd time at IOI
Yuan Li (eolienne), 2nd time at IOI
Shuyan Feng (no CF account I believe), 1st time at IOI
USA's Team:
Brian Xue hyforces — 1st time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Rain Jiang rainboy — 4th time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Rohin Garg PurpleCrayon — 2nd time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Agastya Goel GusterGoose27 — 2nd time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Is it official right now?
The team was always official, the campers were just trolling. If you check the USACO website, you can see that camp ended two days ago.
no trust
This is true, confirmed by a camper.
This is not true, confirmed by a camper
Good Luck to All countries
Chile's team:
Edgardo León (EdL) — 1st time at IOI, 3 attempts left
Han Yang (TKTO) — 1st time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Francisco Pinhao (FranciscoPinhao) — 1st time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Matías Nova (Bors__) — 2nd time at IOI, 1 attempt left
FranciscoPinhao will win IOI2024!
FranciscoPinhao will win IOI 2024!
Swiss team:
Yaël Arn (42kangaroo) — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Jovian Soejono (RecursiveCo) — 1st time at IOI, 2 attempts left
Elias Bauer (EliasBauer) — 3rd time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Ursus Wigger (Ursus5805) — 1st time at IOI, 1 attempts left
Syrian team
Hadi Suleiman (edogawa_something), 1st time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Amin Charba (aminsh), 3rd time at IOI, 0 attempt left
Zein Zammar (NeroZein), 2nd time at IOI, 0 attempt left
Abdullah Abdullah (Abito), 1st time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Abito, NeroZein orz
Abito orz, congrats
Thanks hashman i love you (no homo)
aminsh orz
Whish you the best <3
Team Bangladesh:
Debojoti Das Soumya (Soumya1) — 3rd time at IOI (1 attempt left)
Jarif Rahman (Jarif_Rahman) — 3rd time at IOI (0 attempts left)
Akib Azmain Turja (AkibAzmain) — 1st time at IOI (0 attempts left)
Desh Acharjee (Desh01) — 1st time at IOI (2 attempts left)
Soumya1 will win IOI 2024!
Soumya1 will win IOI 2024!
Soumya1 will win IOI 2024!
Soumya1 will win IOI 2024!
Soumya1 will win IOI 2024!
Canada's team:
good luck Balint
India team -
kshitij_sodani will win another Gold Medal!!
Go ahead team India and win 4 golds this year. I also want to represent India someday at IOI.
Format it properly noob
May the orz be with them
Samik orz gold
k1r1t0 will win IOI
Dutch IOI Team:
Jelle van der Drift (j_vdd16) — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Boas Bakker (Boas) — 2nd time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Lucas Kuunders (Increedible) — 1st time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Lin Chenyu (Albert Lin) (2288) — 1st time at IOI, 1 attempt left
This post was made by the guy who got 5th place. No attempts left. That's rough I know
Yeah it's sad you didn't make it. Maybe it should do some contests again to get Netherlands a bit higher up the list and make my name blue.
Our Ancestor Father and Mother Kubic (00, +, -) were singing, dancing and exchanging bics with joy
Bulgaria's team
(1) Sedmoklasnikut, 1-st time at IOI, one attempt left
(2) VesselinMarkovich, 2-nd time at IOI, one attempt left
(3) libobil, 2-nd time at IOI, one attempt left
(4) andreystefanov, 1-st time at IOI, three attempts left
orz team
libobil will win IOI 2024!!!
The last high school battle beetwen Adam_GS and Rafi22
It must be at least 2 golds for poland
Good luck to all participants!
Team Bolivia:
Although some of us are young and would still be eligible for the IOI in 2-3 years, our country only allows a participant to participate in IOI twice which is why everyone on this team has 1 attempt left.
If they only allow to participate twice, why people who can still go 3 times are left for later so they get better and older people now participate?
To be completely honest with you, I don't really like this rule.
The best justification I have heard for this rule is that it gives more opportunities to other participants and that it increases the number of people who benefit from going to the IOI.
But again, I still dislike this rule because hypothetically, there might be someone really good at a young age who might end up going to IOI twice before reaching their full potential. So it might create this weird situation where a participant may attempt to not qualify this year, in order to qualify in other years when they are older and better (although this hasn't happened yet). As for right now, I think participants who would still be eligible in 2-3 years do not know if they will continue to qualify in the following years, so they try as hard as they can to qualify now.
Yeah I guess it makes sense that " think participants who would still be eligible in 2-3 years do not know if they will continue to qualify in the following years, so they try as hard as they can to qualify now." . I also don't like it.
As of 15 August 2024, there has been a rule change that now allows Thai participants to participate in IOI three times.
In fact,China team has five LGMS,orzdevinwang has another account zh0ukangyang
Germany Team:
Maksym Shvedchenko (waipoli) — 1st time at IOI, 4 attempts left
Simon Bachran(sim_ba) — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Samuel Leber(Servant_of_the_Lord) — 1st time at IOI, 2 attempts left
Shuheng Wei(UncreativeDev) — 1st time at IOI, 1 attempts left
After APIO, the official results are out.
The 4th contestant of Taiwan's team is LittleOrange666.
becaido will win IOI 2024!
Zhong guagua0407 Wei and his friend G owoovo Pow II will win IOI 2025!
Mexico's team:
Good luck to them, I hope they get four medals.
Teto will make his comeback in IOI 25!!!
Props to our organizers, including our beloved team leader jampm (1st time at IOI) and deputy SebR (2nd time at IOI, first as deputy leader), who spent countless hours working on our TST so that it would turn out perfectly.
If you hadn't noticed, we're all newcomers to IOI here!
Pakistan's IOI team:
Good luck to them all
Good Luck Pakistan —— First time at IOI
Good luck to all :D
Good luck to Pakistan team and Wasif_Shahzad's contribution
carcinisation, the members from Dominican Republic:
wait why only three people?
Sorry, carcinisation. The fourth member was selected recently. Please add:
rainboy | orzdevinwang will win IOI 2024 <<<3
Jordan's team:
Congratulations and good luck to you.I saw it is your last chance hope you will get medal this year! And I wanted to ask for what IOI gives honorable mention???
If you are got a rank of 50% day1 or day2 individual results, and not getting medal,they will give you honourable mention.
Saudi Arabia's team:
Issa will win IOI2024!
Essa2006 will win ioi 2024
Colombia's team:
Simon Martinez (MartinezMiners) — 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Santiago Belcar (oculars_focuses) — 2nd time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Santiago Guaneme (Guanexxx) — 1st time at IOI, 4 attempts left
Juan Onofre (juan_o_182) — 2nd time at IOI, 0 attempts left
→ Reply
Israel's IOI team (in no particular order):
Unfortunately, we'll be participating online this year.
I wonder why
I think the flight is just too long, but my guess is as good as any :]
From Israel to Egypt, the flight fare shall be free!
Huh, what a ridiculous joke. You fully know the reason why you won't participate in site ;)))
But I know that Egypt has peace with Israel and Israelis can travel to Egypt visa free. Is the reason actually that Egypt didn't allow them to travel? Or are Israelis just afraid?
The hosts cannot / didn’t invite us for security reasons. But let’s avoid turning this into a discussion that will distract from the purpose of this blog :)
bluds are not trynna get their country stolen too :skull:
but i think your country is stolen or at least in the process of being stolen. MBS.
What a performance by CommandMaster! Congrats!
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--:::= *#***+ ***#** ==---===
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Error-42 will win IOI 2024!
Error-42 orz
Tunisia's team:
Mohamed Fares Nebili (faresnebili) __ 1st time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Marwen Elarbi (MarwenElarbi) __ 1st time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Yassine Ben Younes (YassineBenYounes) __ 2nd time at IOI, 0 attempts left
Mohamed Wassim Fkih (Friday_night) __ 1st time at IOI, 1 attempt left
Algeria's team:
Raouf Ould Ali (speedcode) − 1st time at IOI, 0 attempt left
Abderrazak Assil Boukhennoufa (gok_usan) − 1st time at IOI, 0 attempt left
Chams Eddine Abdelali Derreche (Chams3927) − 1st time at IOI, 0 attempt left
Mouhammed Hachem Drici (DriciHachem) − 1st time at IOI, 0 attempt left
Morocco's team :