Блог пользователя Shayan

Автор Shayan, 5 дней назад, По-английски


From now on, we are going to provide video editorials for Codeforces rounds. So, Codeforces rounds are not going to be limited to text editorials, but also video editorials!

We want to seek feedback and try to improve these video editorials as much as possible. We will try different ideas like recorded videos and livestreams to see which one helps you the best. So, please help us make a better content for you!

The blog will be shortly accessible in contest materials.

1982A — Soccer

1982B — Collatz Conjecture

1982C — Boring Day

1982D — Beauty of the mountains

1982E — Number of k-good subarrays

I hope it helps!

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5 дней назад, # |
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Maybe include the name of the problem along with like "Problem A".

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    5 дней назад, # ^ |
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    Good point. Will be added shortly.

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      5 дней назад, # ^ |
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      Do you have any tips for my competitive programming Youtube channel?


      I can't really compete with you since you are a lot better than I am, but I'm trying to slowly grow.


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        4 дня назад, # ^ |
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        Hi. It is interesting. If you have enough passion, I encourage you to continue your work.

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          4 дня назад, # ^ |
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      4 дня назад, # ^ |
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      Is there any chance that you can add F? thanks!

5 дней назад, # |
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Interesting... Thanks for these efforts!

5 дней назад, # |
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Did we receive any public announcement of MikeMirzayanov's endorsement of his channel, his videos or his content? Because the way I see it at least is that by being there with the other contest materials, it feels as if the videos are credited as some sort of an "official" material rather than an unofficial video editorial like you and many others upload.

From what I know, you are not working at Codeforces nor are you sponsored or endorsed in any other way by them, which makes it even more strange. At this rate, I'm wondering why did other well known youtubers, such as Errichto, SecondThread, galen_colin not use such loopholes to get their channel growing?


I doubt you or anyone needs such an unfair advantage in order to get more visibility in this space. We should let the audience decide which content creator does a better job (from what I can see, your content is already well regarded in this bubble, so I doubt you would get even better stats from doing this).

It's not like anyone uploads videos for money to be fair so why do we have to get to such tactics?

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    5 дней назад, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +16 Проголосовать: не нравится

    Thank you for your comment, but I think you are a bit unfair.

    Yes, I have coordinated this with Mike, and he can decide to announce it if he wants. And, yes, it is sort of official.

    I am now committed to do the solution discussion of all the rounds.

    And if any other youtubers better than me wants to do the same, I think that is super cool and people will get a lot of benefit from that.

    Please let me know if there are any specific issues that I can fix.

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      5 дней назад, # ^ |
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      Well, congratulations for that, you achieved something that nobody else did, fair play there.

      Now my issues are more with the lack of transparency this entire thing is about, which is no longer your fault at this point IMO.

      I guess anyone who did videos back during the pandemic or now should have messaged him and kindly ask if they can become an official video editorialist. If only real life would be so simple /s.

      I guess having such a backdoor deal is the least of the problems given that cheating is way more important of an issue which is blatantly ignored, I guess the die has been cast for CF, at least AtCoder tries to do something about cheating rather than re-running plag check 3 months after the fact.

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      4 дня назад, # ^ |
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      I'm sorry for what happened a few months ago. You did not deserve it.

      I had accepted to make some content for your channel, but I clearly wasn't interested enough (and I was too busy), so I didn't even read your messages carefully. When the live streaming incident happened, my first instinct was to blame you, and I tried to discuss in some Discord server to get some external opinion. Someone seemed to have proofs that you were a scammer / you had even bought your Codeforces account, and my first instinct was to believe all of that.

      Clearly, you are not a scammer. Also, your strategy to be successful on YouTube is very "aggressive", but there's nothing wrong.

4 дня назад, # |
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I think it's awesome that you're doing this! I find these kind of resources very useful.