Problem: Array Game — Idea of the code, consider all possible combinations of 2 elements to make diff, mn = min of, mn, diff, [first element greater than diff]-diff, [one element left of the first element greater than diff]-diff. Thanks so much.
My Code
my man
case will get you to a nicen^2
TLE you must use binary search for each differenceThe time complexity of n^2logn was correct if you look at the editorial
Oops wow. I solved it in nlog(n) and never checked the constraints wow
I dont even think thats possible
Yes you can sort the array and check for each
what is the closest element to it from the right and left
and consider them in the answer
You answer is the minimum amoung these
at k==2 for(int i=0; i<n-1;i++) You put i<n-2, so you skipped one check
Try a=[5,98,99], ans is 1, but you get 4 because 98-(99-5)=4
im dumb asf thanks man