Dear IOI Community,
The Call for Tasks for the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) 2025 is now open. IOI is the most prestigious programming contest for pre-university students. The Scientific Committees of IOI 2025 invite everyone (other than potential IOI 2025 contestants) to submit their tasks to the IOI 2025 Call for Tasks. We welcome any tasks of various difficulty levels, and we are actively encouraging submissions of easy problems. The deadline for the call for tasks is (UPDATED) 18 January 2025.
The link for the call for tasks is:
For any questions please reach out to
Best Regards,
Agustín Santiago Gutiérrez
ISC Chair
UPDATE: The call for tasks for the IOI 2025 has been extended to 18 January 2025. We have received great tasks from the community but still need more. IOI 2025 needs tasks of different difficulties so we encourage all to submit tasks of any difficulty.
Submission deadline 29th December 2025 doesn't look right.
Fixed! Thanks!
Generally what's the difficulty rating in terms of codeforces will ioi accept
They might accept anything. In IOI there are easy problems and hard problems
Easy in the sense? Can you tell the rating of easy problems in ioi comparing to codeforces problem rating? Because Div1A is also easy but not for all :)
imo, 2000-2300.
I've seen problems around 1500
You are right, some of the past ones were close to 1500. Idk, I just thought about the easy problems of this year (IOI 2024, P1 and P5). I think they would be in the range [2000, 2300].
Note that IOI problems typically feature subtasks / partial scoring quite extensively. In those specifically mentioned problems, there is still an important difficulty gap between solving them for say around 50 points and solving them for 100 points (which makes a big difference in final rank at IOI).
Problems that have natural easy yet interesting subtasks can help cover the easy-problem range without necessarily being really "easy for 100 points".
There are lots of possibilities around that, so if you have any proposal you like, no matter if it is easy or hard, please submit it! :)
2018D - Max Plus Min Plus Size is very similar to Nile (with slightly less ideas and slightly more implementation) and is rated *2200.
arc107_e - Mex Mat is very similar to Mosaic (with slightly more ideas and slightly less implementation) and is rated *2604 (but the AtCoder contest is relatively old and only 2 hours long).
chUoNgnn (gold IOI 2024)
Are there any updates for the dates of IOI 2025?
Dates have just been announced:
Bumping this to remind people that IOI Call For Tasks is open during December. We hope to receive many problem proposals as a Christmas/New Year present ;)
I still think that the Call for Tasks duration should be extended by a bit (the usual, until around the 2nd week of January), considering this year's especially late opening and all.
(Seriously, recent years suggests that naturally keeping the deadline well into Jan seems to be a good decision — take 2022's for example: Opening from the middle of July 2021 until mid January 2022, half a year and 36 submissions, 20% of which....doesn't have the highest quality. Besides, I don't suppose the chance for a 2nd Mosaic incident would decrease if the timespan for task submission were to be this short).
This is coming from that one guy who asked the Head of ITC on opening of task proposal portal since the middle of Oct btw (because apparently someone isn't very aware of the technicality of the committees). Just a 2nd bump
Update: CFT has been extended.
Thanks for the notification. I've received the notifications through IOI mailing.
please stop with the heart attacks. A minor observation: As literally every year since 2017 the Call for Tasks were extended until the middle of Jan, why not just keep it at that from the beginning? It also seems as if tradition that the extention announcement came mere hours before the actual deadline itself, can the IC + ISC consider announcing things a bit earlier, please? Pretty please?
I also want a extended deadline — last week of a year doesn't seems to be a good time to rush for deadlines
Update: CFT has been extended.
Should the statements include some sort of story or just a simple statement?
Simple statement works just fine — the story will either be kept or heavily modified at the ISC's mercy either way (case in point: IOI24 P3, which is originally based on the water-pumping model of a tree's xylem, got changed to "Tree", so there's that)
It is nice if the proposal already includes a natural, fitting story that helps better understand and motivate the problem, for example making it easier to understand even for people with very little math/programming background. Note that long/irrelevant stories are actually discouraged.
However there is no story requirement at this stage, a proposal is ok with just the formal version of the problem, as any used statement will go through lots of revisions and text iterations/story changes.