Prequel post: I reached IM, this is insane!
Hey guys. After the round Rayan Programming Contest 2024 — Selection (Codeforces Round 989, Div. 1 + Div. 2), I've finally broke the International Master plateau after a whole seven days and became a Grandmaster, which, again, makes me the GOAT of Peru and the first to get to GM. This is insane, I'm crying so hard. I worked so hard for this maybe I'm getting better or I just fluke really hard recently idk.
My next goal is to reach IGM, and hopefully achieve it by the end of the school year i.e. next June (no magic of course, because why the hell would you want to change your handle from the color Red to the color... Red?).
If you guys are asking me about how I train from IM to GM, idk man I meditated on a mountain like a monk and didn't even touch my laptop for a whole week.
Anyway thanks for reading this shitpost.
(Btw seeing my handle colored red just looks so weird man, like I've been used to it being yellow for a whole year)
did you perhaps meditate like a Noobish_Monk
steve on alex
well done my ninja
Bro is really "THE" guy.
after reaching red on codeforces, his other career unfortunately must come to an end
Teach me da way
Congrats, too!
Wtf how is your english speaking persona so different from your brainrot speaking persona
Road to IOI25 when?
His mom said no IOI.
Congrats Johnny
Congrats, keep going
Congrats!! hope to get there
will u grind for igm?
not necessary, since he is already a insane grandmaster, shortened in igm.
Pero ser Peruano no hay forma de cambiarlo 😎😂
no creo q sea peruano xd
Por que? Otro man que no puede ser #1 en su pais tratando de serlo en otro? Mas o menos el ranking de Venezuela actualmente xd
Vaya fracasado... xd
Por que no lo dijiste en el blog original?
Estoy 99% seguro de que es la misma persona de la cuenta que me pasaste. Mira su forma de escribir en ambas cuentas es la misma, siempre empiezan con la misma frase xd
CF no me deja responderte al privado xd
PeruvianCartel you betrayed us
what makes you feel inappropriate to post it in english?
I just cannot comprehend what is "I can only left it unchanged." please explain more.
It's a meme in spanish community to say that being peruvian is a bad thing, so I'm joking saying that he might be GM but he can't change he's peruvian.
Jokes aside, this guy isn't even peruvian at all, just some vietnamese loser that can't be #1 on Vietnam leaderboard so he has to change his country in CF in order to be #1
His real account is steveonalex, you can tell by the way he writes blogs in both accounts start with the same "Hi guys", plus same format and same writing style
Also same template:
Plus not associated with any peruvian university or institution.
This guy is a total faker lol. Loser exposed, blog prob deleted 😂
As someone from the Vietnamese community, I don't think his intention of making this blog is to show off that's he's number 1 or something, most of us already know about his real account. Lil Timmy is just happy to reach GM after so long.
Anyways, if yall Peruvian are offended to see some rando getting number 1, I can tell the dude to change the country associated with this account.
I don't mind, I'm not peruvian, also didn't know he was memeing so I thought he was just a loser. I'm okay with that
man me baitearon wtf
I mean, Peruvian Cartel (aka violent mafia people), Johnny Sins pfp, from Institute of Sexology, and a lot of shitpost blog and random questions. That was the most obvious sign of a meme account bro. And also noticed how finding out about my main account was so easy? That is because I made it easy. I don't really care about the status, everyone in the Vietnamese community knows about this meme account at this point.
Also I mainly do contests on this account so I guess I still am not violating any rules.
congrats bro, you threw the steve out of alex
How to reach pupil? :)
i also want to know that
Coooool! You've done what I've always dreamed of!