We will hold yet another duel (Dominater069 vs TheScrasse), with live streaming.
- Start Time: 8th — 11th January, 1:45 PM UTC / 7:15 PM IST
- Duration: 2 hours every day
- Number of Tasks: 14
- Arbiter: aryanc403
- Previous match — https://mirror.codeforces.com/blog/entry/115376
- Commentary URLs:
- Day 1: https://mirror.codeforces.com/stream/749
- Day 2: https://mirror.codeforces.com/stream/750
- Day 3: https://mirror.codeforces.com/stream/751
- Day 4: https://mirror.codeforces.com/stream/752
The problem will be chosen from past codeforces contests randomly using CFTracker.
We are looking forward to your participation!
Duel format —
- 14 1v1 duels happen one for each rating between 1600-2900
- The score for each duel match will be the rating of the problem
- Each duel will have a predetermined X minute; if both the participants solve it less than or equal to X minutes difference, the match will end in a draw.
- In case of a tie of the points, the winner will be decided by the person who won the highest-rated match (2900, then 2800, then 2700, and so on).
- Duration of each duel is 45 mins.
Dominater069 for the win !
TheScrasse will win !
The sport is growing.
This is how develop culture. Love it.
can we get tourist vs jiangly ?
That would be a legendary battle.
Another suggestion for duel (Similar to Rapid/Blitz chess): Each participant say starts with 15 mins and can choose between problems of difficulty between say 2000-2400. Solving a problems increases your timer. Difficult problems increase your timer more. When timer hits 0, you are eliminated. Last man standing wins the game. Can even organise this as a group competition instead of duel.
Then we could have Clan Wars!
Can we have zh0ukangyang vs orzdevinwang as duel ?
Can you update the problem link?
can we have Petr vs ksun48
can we see tourist and jiangly as a dual?
Can we have Um_nik vs 1000 cyans?
Okay I want to be one. Will surely lose though!
Atom Editor setup video when?
I should change editor, Atom is deprecated :D
Use pulsar maybe...almost same
I kinda feel that ATOM was quite savage.
Okay, I'm cyan, so I'm in.
Count me in for next one
Maybe Egor vs JoesSR.
TheScrasse will win!
tourist v/s jiangly would be interesting
Looking for a tournament among top 10 on cf
Respectfully, how is it so fun to watch these guys spend $$$30+$$$ minutes solving some super hard problem? It might be more fun to see them speedrun $$$800-1000$$$ rated problems, cuz then it is fast-paced and most of the audience can understand what is going on.
On the other hand, dueling on hard problema are more fun for us (atleast me). To strike a balance, we had all ratinga between 1600 and 2900, so we have a mix of easy and hard. I think your suggested ratings are somewhat absurd for a duel at our rating (atleast a traditional duel)
serialcomder vs Final_Track when?
Dominater069 how so orz!!!! gib tips plz. Your biggest fan here >~<