This blog is solely going to be about Arahan Kalsoor aka [user:[user:arahan_673]] who cheated his way to expert. You can see his submissions in this educational round which was a fairly recent one got skipped. Interestingly, he happens to be a recent hire as a mentor in TLE Eliminators, a scam org run by Mr. Priyansh Agarwal aka Priyansh31dec. Recent as in too recent, who was hired after firing who got exposed in a recent blog for cheating her way to cm. Some of her friends commented that she didn't cheat. Well in that case why was she fired by Priyansh just after the blog came out? That's enough of an evidence. But alas kicking out one cheater he just replaced her with another one! Yet another cheater who cheated his way to expert. If you are willing to take TLE Eliminators course beware your money will be scammed and then used to fund shameless cheaters like these guys who are hired by him.
Lets raise our voice to get him fired as we got the other cheaters like dhruvil, karan and ayushi fired. After my last blog of exposing 16 cheater mentors, many got fired as they can't be seen on tle site now. Let's preassurize them to fire all the cheats! It was only possible because of the preassure else he would have kept them. But again he hired another cheater arahan_673 we demand TLE Eliminators to fire him now!!!
I work with TLE Eliminators and I am ashamed to say this but Priyansh is just a white version of Abhipsita Das. Like him he is genuinely talented and doesn't cheat but unlike him instead of promoting cheating directly he does it indirectly. For all the blogs against him or his mentors he runs a mass downvote and hat comment campaign like Abhipsita did. Proof —
He also intentionally hires cheaters first because they no genuine candidate master will work at the prices he offers and second because he knows some of them help students for money but he lets it pass unless they are exposed and face a backlash at a large case as in the case of Dhrumil and Joyboy. He also released videos of 2 experts from a previous batch of TLE which can still be found on his TLE youtube channel but never released their accounts to public because one of them has 5 skips and became an expert because he was helped by Viraj during contests. There are a lot of dark secrets about TLE and I am ashamed to work for it but have to because of financial trouble.
Bro first of all what do u mean by "white version"
If you can't say nice things then please keep quiet.
You have no idea how much people are putting into TLE.
The image of the Whatsapp message you gave is completely true.
tle_eliminators_cheats's allegations are completely false.
IDK what problem he has with TLE.
His blogs deserved to be downvoted, not to mention being blocked.
Dhrumil and JoyBoy were fired, I can confirm they are not longer in the TLE discord server.
But the rest of the allegations are complete nonsense.
Ayushi never cheated. She was never fired. She didn't want us to suffer from the ongoing investigation of a false accusation and she only reached out to us to have her name removed from the website until the accusations were falsified and deemed baseless. We are proudly going to put her name back, now that all of your allegations have been proved false.
I don't know who you are or who you work for. I want to make this very clear. I have worked really hard to build TLE over the last 4 years. We have taught 10,000 students so far and right from the beginning we have focussed on helping students more than ourselves (financially). I and my team stand against all forms of cheating.
I have been noticing you posting a lot of hateful stuff about TLE for the past few weeks. If you have some personal problem with me, you can reach out to me and we can talk this out. If you have some problem with how TLE operates, be sure to email us your concerns and I can assure you we will look into them. However, if you're going to come and badmouth me and my team every other day, I will not bother replying to any of your blogs and comments now.
ignore them we know they are intentionally doin it