Some people including myself use a google calendar to manage their time, see what kind of meetings they have to attend etc, usually it's the first thing they check when they open their computer
For many of us, codeforces is as important, and we would like to have the codeforces events embedded in our google calendar.
Unfortunately though, I couldn't find something that works and most importantly is dynamically updated whenever a new round is added.
So I was wondering whether such a feature exists somewhere. Thanks!
HackerRank Calendar works fine I guess.
this is nice, but I noticed they don't have tomorrow's codeforces round :(
Yes , this great feature exists , for me personality i prefer Hacker Rank calender , it includes almost all the contests not just codeforces contest but also topcoder , codechef and more .
you can find it here.
this calendar worked well with me for months. but lately it may not notify you about some rounds (round #279 hasn't been added to the calendar until now) and sometimes when a round time is changed it is not updated .