The main challenges with compile time computations are
- we can only work with constants (so no looping is possible)
- maximum recursion depth is very limited compared to runtime computations (for example, maximum recursion depth is only 900 in g++)
Here is an example of how to use template meta programming for compile time computations. The example shows how to implement primality checking in compile time, but the same principle can be applied to other problems. For instance, in the main function, replacing Generate <level, Prime>::value
by Generate <level, Sqrt>::value
will generate integer square roots for all numbers between [0, 2^level)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
namespace Helpers {
template <int lhs, int rhs>
struct Plus {
static const int value = lhs + rhs;
struct True {
static const bool value = true;
struct False {
static const bool value = false;
// Array <T, T args...> contains the array {args...} of size ::size at ::value
// For example if A = Array <int, 1, 2, 3>, then A::value[] = {1, 2, 3} and A::size = 3
template <typename T, T... args>
struct Array {
static const T value[sizeof...(args)];
static const int size = sizeof...(args);
template <typename T, T... args>
const T Array <T, args...>::value[sizeof...(args)] = {args...};
// Sqrt <N>::value is the integer square root of N
template <int N>
struct Sqrt {
template <int lo, int hi>
struct Helper {
static const int mid = (lo + hi + 1) / 2;
static const int value = conditional < (N / mid < mid), Helper < lo, mid - 1 >, Helper <mid, hi> >::type::value;
template <int n>
struct Helper <n, n> {
static const int value = n;
static const int value = Helper <0, N>::value;
// Prime <N>::value is true if and only if N is a prime
template <int N>
struct Prime {
// Helper::value is true iff any prime in [lo, hi] divides N
template <int lo, int hi>
struct Helper {
static const int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
static const bool value = conditional < Helper <lo, mid>::value, Helpers::True, Helper < mid + 1, hi >>::type::value;
template <int d>
struct Helper <d, d> {
static const bool value = Prime <d>::value and N % d == 0;
static const bool value = not conditional < (N <= 1), Helpers::True, Helper <1, Sqrt <N>::value> >::type::value;
Generate <N, F> contains the Helpers::Array with ::value = {F<0>::value, ..., F<2 ^ N - 1>::value} at ::value
using A = Generate<5, Sqrt>::value;
for (int i = 0; i < A::size; ++i) {
cout << A::value[i] << endl;
template <int N, template <int> class F>
struct Generate {
template <int n, int... args>
struct Helper {
using value = typename Helper < n - 1, args..., Helpers::Plus <args, sizeof...(args)>::value... >::value;
template <int... args>
struct Helper <0, args...> {
using value = Helpers::Array <decltype(F <0>::value), F <args>::value...>;
using value = typename Helper <N, 0>::value;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
const int level = 10; // for primes upto 2^level
using A = Generate <level, Prime>::value;
cout << A::size << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < A::size; ++i) {
cout << "> " << boolalpha << i << ' ' << A::value[i] << endl;
return 0;
with c++11 you may replace some templates with constexpr functions.
It becomes less verbose I believe.
After that you may put it in template to force compile-time execution like
Is it possible to store the data generated in compile time for runtime usage? For example, it is possible to use constexpr to generate std::tuple object, but to access element from tuples we need to call get() where n should be a compile time constant. Is there any way to store the data in array / vector etc without template?
UPD: Thats completely wrong
Well, vector/etc are created in runtime( I hardly can imagine compile time memory allocation) so you can't put something to them in compile time, but you can generate values in compile time and put them without calculating in runtime like:
You can't use
when i is not a constant.Also you can put something in vector etc in compile time if they are const. For example, You can change the implementation of
to following to deal with vectors in compile time. (However in that case you have to replaceusing value = Helpers::Array <decltype(F <0>::value), F <args>::value...>
withusing value = Helpers::Array <int, F <args>::value...>
in the implementation ofGenerate<>
template)Ah, sure, that was wrong.
we could do something like:
First of all genseq is standard thing to generate [0...n-1], then I return an array of doubled values
We could replace with any template that transform int to some value (like checking if number is prime)
This should work, but we are back to templates from constexpr, it seems there is no way to use only constexpr to store values in containers.
Also note that this version will exceed template-depth for large enough n (900 for g++ by default). You have to generate by bisecting for larger values.
Ah, I see what you meant: we need templates here, and I'm not sure if it's possible to do that in compile time using only constexprs.
But, using your code, it's possible to have template for "generator" visible to user, but write main logic (prime checking) in constexprs.
I'll think on eliminating templates completely.
Now I wonder, does OJ and ACM normally have compilation time limit? If not, then this could be used to reduce running time in many cases..
Am I right that this code is correct for C++14?
I don't have opportunity to compile it, cause relaxing requirements on constexpr will appears only in gcc 5.0.
If the answer is "Yes", welcome to the new era of compile-time precomputations :D
What about clang? Anyway, I believe ctor in your code will be called during runtime
Yes, clang 3.4 already can do it, thanks.
My fault, but this code is fine and runs at compile time.
For n = 200000 I have an error about reaching maximum step limit:
Clang have - fconstexpr - steps = option. And if we'll use it, we have some decent results. For example, Sieve of Eratosthenes for n = 107 can be build in 40 seconds: