Syntle — это iOS приложение которое помогает вам запоминать синтаксис новых языков программирования с помощью флэшкарточек c переводом кода. На данный момент доступны Objective-C и Swift. После каждых 5 карточек пользователь проходит тест.
В следующей версии будут доступны git и shell scripts.
PS: Что вы думаете об этом приложении? Пожалуйста, оставьте отзыв :)
У меня одного нету айфона?
I think this is just self-advertising.
What does this even have to do with competitive programming?
I agree with you, but its his blog. So you can ignore it if you want.
Yes, you are partially right. Also I am sure that here I can find many developers just like myself to show them this helpful application. I just want help programmers to learn new languages quickly. As far as I know I am not breaking any rules of codeforces.
OFC, you're not breaking any rules of codeforces. But it's like message about basketball at the forum mostly for football players (it can be interesting for someone, but expected percentage is quite low...)
What about your application (you're seeking some feedback i guess): IMO, there's no easier, faster and efficient way to learn a programming language (in general, it's true not only for programming languages), but try PL on your own. Seriously, just get PL's compiler and try to create some small projects.
You can ask HosseinYousefi about that!
вылетает при запуске
it crashes when i try to start it