CodeChef invites you to participate in the May 2012 CookOff at
Time: 2130 hrs 20th May 2012 to 0000 hrs, 21th May 2012 (Indian Standard Time — +5:30 GMT) — Check your timezone.
Registration: Just need to have a CodeChef user id to participate. New users please register here
Problem Setter: Vitaliy Gerasymiw.
Problem Tester: Антон Лунёв (Anton_Lunyov)
It promises to deliver on an interesting set of algorithmic problems with something for all.
The contest is open for all and those, who are interested, are requested to have a CodeChef userid, in order to participate.
Just a gentle reminder. The contest starts in 10 minutes.
Is site down only for me?
No. For me — too.
There was a syn attack on our servers. It has been resolved now. We deeply regret the inconvenience caused.
No, it is almost unavailable for 5 or 10 minutes already.
Also, the problem statement of the problem which had "etc." instead of input and output format got updated.
Can anyone publish the statement of some problem other than "LUCKYBAL" and "LUCKYSTR" here?
A Little Elephant from the Zoo of Lviv likes lucky strings, i.e., the strings that consist only of the lucky digits 4 and 7. The Little Elephant calls some string T of the length M balanced if there exists at least one integer X (1 ≤ X ≤ M) such that the number of digits 4 in the substring T[1, X — 1] is equal to the number of digits 7 in the substring T[X, M]. For example, the string S = 7477447 is balanced since S[1, 4] = 7477 has 1 digit 4 and S[5, 7] = 447 has 1 digit 7. On the other hand, one can verify that the string S = 7 is not balanced. The Little Elephant has the string S of the length N. He wants to know the number of such pairs of integers (L; R) that 1 ≤ L ≤ R ≤ N and the substring S[L, R] is balanced. Help him to find this number. Notes. Let S be some lucky string. Then |S| denotes the length of the string S; S[i] (1 ≤ i ≤ |S|) denotes the ith character of S (the numeration of characters starts from 1); S[L, R] (1 ≤ L ≤ R ≤ |S|) denotes the string with the following sequence of characters: S[L], S[L + 1], ..., S[R], and is called a substring of S. For L > R we mean by S[L, R] an empty string. Input
The first line of the input file contains a single integer T, the number of test cases. Each of the following T lines contains one string, the string S for the corresponding test case. The input file does not contain any whitespaces. Output
For each test case output a single line containing the answer for this test case. Constraints
1 ≤ T ≤ 10 1 ≤ |S| ≤ 100000 S consists only of the lucky digits 4 and 7. Example
Input: 4 47 74 477 4747477
Output: 2 2 3 23
In the first test case balance substrings are S[1, 1] = 4 and S[1, 2] = 47. In the second test case balance substrings are S[2, 2] = 4 and S[1, 2] = 74. Unfortunately, we can't provide you with the explanations of the third and the fourth test cases. You should figure it out by yourself. Please, don't ask about this in comments. Date: 2012-03-01 Time limit: 2s Source limit: 50000
Why on earth the statement of "Common" problem changed into smth completely different right in the middle of the contest?
I've already written solution for first version of this problem and then saw that it became another:)
It was a mistake on our side. We resolved it and made an announcement. We are sorry for this.
I guess it would be better to create a pop-up window with announcement, like codeforces does.
Unfortunately such problems with codechef are known. You should check announcements regularly.
I didn't read it because its name suspiciously didn't start with "Little Elephant and " :)
Разве в Little Elephant and Swapping переносить 4...4 или 7..7 в начало и конец соответственно, не хватает для получения оптимального ответа ?
Нет, можно еще переносить строки вида 447744447744 и 77447774477
Тут выгоднее 4447444 в начало перенести.