Given a number k , a number n We have to form a K*K square matrix using just the numbers 0 and n such that it has maximum possible determinant We have to write a program that returns such determinant for given values of k and n
for example if k = 3 and n = 13
13 13 0
0 13 13
13 0 13
ie for k = 3 and any non negative value of n required matrix is
n n 0
0 n n
n 0 n
constraints for n and k?
This is a very classic problem known as Hadamard's maximal determinant problem. Long story short, this is an open question even for k = 21 (k ≤ 20 is known, and lots of larger cases are known as well--this is linked to the Hadamard Conjecture, as well).
The fact that you are putting n into the matrix can be ignored since dividing a row by n also divides the determinant by n, so if you determine the maximal determinant of (0,1)-matrices, we can reverse the above operations and the result of this problem will be nk times larger than the answer for (0,1)-matrices.