Ok, so I solved this problem: http://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/91/problem/A. The interesting thing is that I submitted 2 buggy solutions before: 27178776 and 27178719. They are exactly the same, but one is compiled on C++11 and the other on C++14. My question is: why is there a difference? Does it have to do with the way C++11 and C++14 handles the way a vector works when you access the vector.size()th element (which doesn't exist)?
I think, problem is in that line, where you have put "auto", sometimes it doesn't work in cpp 5.1.0 and, but I haven't seen this problem in my codes. sorry for poor English
is undefined so different compilers might behave differently.Yeah, I think that might be it. It's still pretty annoying that you don't get a runtime error when something like this happens.
if you want a runtime exception.I found one more mistake "int cur = upper_bound(all(pos[i — 'a']), ante) — pos[i — 'a'].begin();", you didn't look at case — if upper_bound will be equal to pos[i-'a'].end(), it's big mistake, I think thats all:)