I did the round #416 as a virtual contest but I didn't quite manage to solve problem C during the time frame. It took me a while but eventually I realized how the O(n^2) DP solution for it works so I thought I'd write a breakdown of the problem for anyone who tried to code it and failed.
The example code is in C++11 but it's mostly just images and text. Hopefully it helps someone!
Dear Ollie,
I became a big fan of yours because of the way you explained this problem in your blog post, plz keep up the good work..
Link died :(
Ouch, seems like I'd have to pay $20/mo to keep the hosted site up. Here's a cached version but unfortunately without images: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:7ClsQrmGeK4J:cpfd.ghost.io/codeforces-811-c/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
try username.github.io?
Thanks, will look into it and republish the article there if I get it working.
Edit: Published on Quora with images.
thanks xD
You can also post in a Medium or Quora blog. Doesn't look as good without your illustrations.
Quora was surprisingly easy to use!
This is a really good problem indeed xD