Can anyone please help me in this one? I am getting WA on test 24 and I can't find any mistake in my idea. Has anyone faced the same verdict in test 24? Maybe it's corner case or something. I'd be really grateful if someone helped me out. I am trying it from this afternoon without any break and now I'm frustrated :(
Here's the link to the problem.
I have no idea about the test-case numbers, but some weird edge-cases might be the problem.
Hope it'll help
Thank you for your comment. I am quite sure I've ensured no. 1 and 2, but I'll recheck. About 3, I have used printf(".10f"), it should work, right? And I am also quite sure I've checked no 4, but I'll recheck. And if some other cases come to your mind, it'd be really helpful if you share. Thanks again :)
Can anyone provide some critical test case? I am also getting WA on 24th test.
found my mistake. I was not considering the case where we have to draw the only line joining two adjacent edges.