Hello Everyone, I am trying to solve this problem. but not able to come up with a solution. can someone help me with solving the problem any approach/hint.
Problem Statement: Given a square chessboard of N x N size, the position of Knight and position of a target is given. We need to find out minimum steps a Knight will take to reach the target position. Only Perpendicular Moves Are Allowed.
1<=N<=150. 0<=StartX<=64 0<=StartY<=64
0<=EndX<=64 0<=EndY<=64
StartX and StartY Indicate Starting Location. EndX and Endy Indicate Ending Location.
Test Case:
N=8 startX and StartY = 0,5
endX and endY = 6,5
output: 3
How is the output 3?
Looks like straightforward bfs
But straightforward forward bfs check for X+1 and y+1 moves.
Not sure I understand. What are perpendicular moves?
Moves: X+1 and y+2 Or X+2 and y+1
Then bfs will work easily, where are you having trouble?
Consider each cell as a node in the graph, and add an edge if we can reach from one node to another using whatever move, then do bfs
I am not able to implement the approach/solution
What if the while searching/checking for valid configuration it goes out of the graph/grid. Can you help me out. It similar to this problem:https://www.codechef.com/problems/FIN03
It's a simple if condition to check while adding edges in the graph, it will never go out
Okay. Can you share code if possible.
Here's a code for 8x8 board, just generalize it to nxn
Represent the grid as a graph and do a breadth first search from the starting point.
But moves are prependucilar so simple bfs algorithm will work? Can you explain briefly if possible.
I think n00bie has already explained the approach. Regarding what to do to avoid out of bounds. Assume I am at point (i,j) and want to add edges. I want to add edges from (i,j) to (i+1, j+2), (i+2,j+1), (i-1,j-2) and (i-2,j-1). Before I add each of these edges I check to see the destination point is in the grid. If is it not I don't add the edge.