Hello everyone!
The Codeforces Round #164 for Div.2 participants will start in several hours. Traditionally, the other participants can take part out of competition.
The hero of today's problems is Manao, which has been straining Georgian fellow programmers' minds for several years already. He made it to Codeforces pages thanks to Gerald and Delinur, who have assisted me in round preparation. The problems were also tested by Seyaua, sdya and Aksenov239.
The scoring system will be a little unusual: 500-1000-1500-2500-2500.
Good luck :)
UPD: The contest is over, congratulations to the winners:
You can find the tutorial here.
Infinite while, place in round decrement with only one when winning 100(successfull hack)+nb_point_of_problem, Problems solved over 9000 before "ProblemsSolved = min(ProblemsSolved,5);" and "good luck" after the end of the contest... And yes, I am very fun at parties.
Hi , gojira First contest at codeforces written by you :) , Looking forward for it. Some day I believe I will also write a contest for codeforces :)
Who is eligible for round preparation?
They have not mentioned any age restriction on the FAQ page. So I believe that there is no constraint except your problems should be interesting.
Yes but I saw somewhere Mike saying that they usually trust orange or orange+ users.
I really do not have such idea , Only Mike could clarify that whether there is some strict rating policy for writing a contest.
I had previously tried to submit problems for div 2 only contest , But as far as I think they were not as good standard as it should be.
But still if you are purple I don't think there is a problem .
Let me know when you get the answer
and what we will get in return...?
164 = 74 + 74 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4
what does it mean?
too difficult, 164 = 74 + 74 + 4*4
164 = 47*4 + 4 — 7*4, palindrome :)
No, Round 164 div 2 == Round 82 == 82.
when i became a red coder :(
compile yourself first)
never give up :)
This is round 164 & 164 = 12^2 + 4^2 + 2^2 = 10^2 + 8^2 Here , 12+4+2=10+8=18 Again , 164 = 13^2 — 2^2 — 1^2 = 14^2 — 6^2 +2^2 Here , 13-2-1=14-6+2=10 What a combination :D
As, 164 = 12^2 + 4^2 + 2^2 = 10^2 + 8^2 , the problem points could be distributed like this --> 3000,1000,500,2500,2000 , as 3000:1000:500:2500:2000 == 12:4:2:10:8
pages of in queue. judges are down?
I am waiting in queue 3+ minutes.
everything is ok now.
I hope I wasn't the only one who didn't know what expected value is :(
Combinatorics round with nice problems, I liked it! Thanks to the creators!
Can anybody help me in understanding the reason behind using comparision function ??
The change in expected total length from swapping the order of adjacent tracks [i] and [i-1] is equal to
since [i] might now be repeated due to [i-1], but [i] can no longer cause [i-1] to be replayed. Swapping has an effect on the expected playtime of these two tracks alone, so it's always best to swap pairs for which such a change is positive.
You could intuit that continuing to make such swaps would look a lot like bubble-sort (or rather, is bubble-sort); more rigorously, use some simple algebra to show that the expression above is consistent as a comparator.
and how do we calculate the expected total length?
A song will be replayed every time it is liked but a later song is disliked, plus the once the first time it is seen. We take the chance of being liked multiplied by expected number of later dislikes and add one:
I am new to codeforces , can anyone tell by when my rating willbe update :) ?
very soon, be patient ;-)
nice problems, enjoyed the contest
Hi gojira,
I really enjoyed the problems, thanks for the contest. I saw a lot of hacks for 3rd problem, that's good, thanks again ;-)
Love win =) standings(смотреть среди официальных участников)
9 successful hacks in problem C :D it was really funny :D
9 down votes incoming!
:D :D
whew,that was really lucky for me,first time contest writer from my country first time div 1 ^_^
Could not understand Problem B — Buttons. Can anyone explain it? words "push" and "press" are same? "some" does it mean single button or can be group of buttons?
Yes the words "push" and "press" mean the same. You can only push one button at a time and you need to output the maximum value of the number of times you can push the button, before getting the right permutation.
My submission with id 3029515 got wrong answer on first test case. But its giving the correct answer in my system
How is that possible?
It really returns 2 on your system?
It returns 3 on my system which is the correct answer. On the judge it returns 2. It is pretty weird.
Are you sure? This line doesn't really do anything except check for floating-point error...
On my PC it works too, but on ideone it does NOT — http://ideone.com/ooqeop
In debug mode there is different output:
my PC:
Thanks for the information. but this is very strange.
In 268A, I submit 3 times and get WA on test 6, which have the right answer is 6, but the system returns 83. Anyone can explain that for me ?
lines 27-28: instead of
should be
Thank for your suggestions
please can someone tell the way to solve problem C...
You can view all the sources here: http://www.codeforces.com/contest/268/status/C . To solve the problem, you must think of a greedy algorithm based on a mathematical observation. Good luck !
Editorial is already available.