William Lin has reached the front page, and people talking about William Lin have reached the front page. From any perspective, this man is clearly a charismatic yet powerful figure that deserves the respect he gets.
Tonight we (probably) find out if our favorite Taiwanese-American who has no alts on CodeForces will represent the country that took him into their arms when Taiwan did not.
Tmw, you are an inspiring programmer who has jumped over all the hurdles, demonstrated amazing programming prowess, and made it far in America's team selection process. Good luck to you, tmw!
EDIT: Today, May 30th 2019, at 9:00 pm EST, it was announced that William Lin (aka Tzuyu Chou) would represent the USA IOI team. Congratulations to our favorite K-pop indulger!
I think New York Times should make news article about this. They should expose how discrimination still occurs on intellectual societies like Taiwan Informatics. It'll also make a motivational story to those who work their way against authorities.
Now even people talking about people talking about William Lin have reached the front page.
Please locate the terminating condition for this recursive loop, before the orz takes over the world.
orz is inevitable.
Auto comment: topic has been updated by nchn27 (previous revision, new revision, compare).
William Lin is a real one. I came back after a few months to say that.
William Lin's geniosity never ceases to amaze us all. Congratulations and orz.
orz indeed
tmw o
orz. OFZ. tmw <3
Taiwan and William Lin be like: