Given an array of n integer elements. At a single moment we can delete a subarray if every element of this subarray is equal to one another. Doing so give us the points equal to (size of subarray)^2. We have to completely eliminate the array and also maximise the sum of points scored. How to solve this problem?
Score will change on the basis of order.
Array = 11212
say it divided into 4 segments 11,2,1,2
If you choose order of segments as 3,(2,4),1. then score will be 1+4+4.
If you choose order of segments as 2,4,(1,3). then score will be 1+1+9.
amitgomi thanks for this example.
What are the constraints? Time Limit etc. ? Max.Size of array?
I think it is similar to 1132F - Clear the String
You have to find order of those operations also to get solution of this problem.
But he hasn't said this in the blog. How do you know. Are you both related
Score will change on the basis of order.
say it divided into 4 segments 11,2,1,2
If you choose order of segments as 3,(2,4),1. then score will be 1+4+4.
If you choose order of segments as 2,4,(1,3). then score will be 1+1+9.
amitgomi explaied it right.
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