Через час (20:30 по Московскому времени) должен начаться финал Facebook Hacker Cup. Есть шанс, что начало будет перенесено на час, так как вчера нам выдали ноуты для подготовки только в 10 вечера. Финал длится 3 часа. Результатов и задач в инете, как я понимаю, нигде не будет :)
Preliminary results screenshot (150 kb).
I know the actual reason why rng_58 didn't solve the problem Archiver (Я знаю истинную причину, почему rng_58 не решил задачу Archiver):
I was amazed at the amount of bright flashy ads in Facebook — how do people even tolerate that?..
With Firefox + AdBlock, one does not ever see these.
Well even without the ads, Facebook is too user-unfriendly for my taste, but that's another topic.
There are no flashy ads at Facebook, only small static image + text ones. Moreover, there are no ads at all on HackerCup page. I believe you've got some malware installed :)
I was talking about the ads on the "Facebook Hacker Cup 2013" group page. Yes, they were static images, but the images were still bright and flashy :)