Hello Codeforces, what wave?
I want to publicaly congratulate the best team with the worst name "GG Dem", composed of The Cuco MarcosK, The Beast SebaMarin and thr Wonder Boy MateoCV, aka the "Lucianos Castros" coached by "Que pingo es concha" Vladislao, with the invaluable help of "The anti-mufa talisman" ec24, for qualifying to the ICPC world finals 2020.
I'm so picaport.
Sorry for the spam. Feel free to doenvote meee. Weh weh weh
Specials thabks to Demetrio, and to Codeoforcew and pilygon platforms.
The level of drugs of this post is astronomic.
What does "I'm so picaport" even mean?
Quality post.