joe69's blog

By joe69, history, 4 years ago, In English

I recently installed VS code for competitive coding But could not find any good tutorials for setting up VSCode.I was hoping You guys could help me setting up VS Code for compettive coding like What extensions to download and so on.Thanks

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4 years ago, # |
Rev. 3   Vote: I like it +16 Vote: I do not like it
  • Well first you'll have to install an intellisense plugin on vscode for your specific language. Make sure you have a compiler/interpreter for your language.
  • Install coderunner for quickly compiling and running code.
  • press ctrl+shift+p and go to configure user snippets. here you can generate a snippet that gets triggered by a command. This can be used since you'll have to use your code templates for every program. it reduces the task of copying and pasting. you can generate snippet code from
  • If you'd like to use my vscode settings. i'll attach it here, you can press ctrl+shift+p and go to settings.json and paste it in there.

{ "breadcrumbs.enabled": false, "C_Cpp.clang_format_path": "/usr/bin/clang-format", "C_Cpp.default.cppStandard": "c++17", "C_Cpp.default.cStandard": "c11", "C_Cpp.default.intelliSenseMode": "clang-x64", "C_Cpp.intelliSenseCacheSize": 0, "C_Cpp.updateChannel": "Insiders", "code-runner.customCommand": "cd $dir && cf-test $fileName", "code-runner.executorMap": { "c": "cd $dir && gcc -g -static -std=gnu11 -lm -Wfatal-errors $fileName -o $fileNameWithoutExt && ./$fileNameWithoutExt", "cpp": "cd $dir && g++ -static -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unknown-pragmas -pedantic -O2 -Wshadow -Wformat=2 -Wfloat-equal -Wlogical-op -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_PEDANTIC -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector $fileName -o $fileNameWithoutExt && ./$fileNameWithoutExt", "python": "cd $dir && py $fileName" }, "code-runner.runInTerminal": true, "code-runner.saveFileBeforeRun": true, "editor.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter": false, "editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "on", "editor.autoClosingBrackets": "never", "editor.autoClosingQuotes": "never", "editor.autoIndent": true, "editor.find.autoFindInSelection": true, "editor.minimap.enabled": false, "editor.wordWrap": "wordWrapColumn", "editor.wordWrapColumn": 120, "explorer.autoReveal": false, "explorer.confirmDelete": false, "explorer.confirmDragAndDrop": false, "python.formatting.provider": "yapf", "python.linting.enabled": true, "python.linting.flake8Enabled": true, "python.linting.pylintEnabled": false, "terminal.integrated.rendererType": "dom", "vsicons.dontShowNewVersionMessage": true, "window.menuBarVisibility": "hidden", "window.titleBarStyle": "native", "workbench.editor.enablePreview": false, "workbench.editor.highlightModifiedTabs": true, "workbench.panel.defaultLocation": "right", "go.formatTool": "goimports", "go.useLanguageServer": true, "window.zoomLevel": -0.28, "git.autofetch": true, "workbench.colorTheme": "Material Theme Darker High Contrast", "workbench.iconTheme": "material-icon-theme" }
  • »
    4 years ago, # ^ |
      Vote: I like it +4 Vote: I do not like it


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    4 years ago, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +9 Vote: I do not like it

    I wonder how to change custom command of coderunner extension ? I want to just run activefile.exe (not compile again).

4 years ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +3 Vote: I do not like it

Anyone else who uses VScode have some tips ??

4 years ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +3 Vote: I do not like it

Can anyone tell me about the best extensions for competitive programming on VScode