I want to use hash table of key : vector and value : int How can i use that ? Map<vector< int >,int> uses extra logn factor which many a times doesn't suite me and gives TLE. I just want to store frequency of a kind of vector.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
You are taking vector as a key value. There is whole extra factor of n where n is the size of the vector everytime you do operations with map.
That would be okay to me. Just need to make unordered_map instead of map
Can you give link to the problem?
This is my Submission 77023902 , its easy to understand. Problem : 1225D - Power Products
Hey, I solved this problem recently. Hashing the vector won't make a big difference. Try to come with another approach :)
But if you still want to try, polynomial hashing in Robin Karp might be useful here but it will don't give correct answer in every case.
You can do it by hashing the vector, but if you do that then the complexity will be $$$O(n^2/log$$$ $$$n)$$$, which is still too slow.