Mooncrater's blog

By Mooncrater, history, 5 years ago, In English

Hello all,

I am doing small 2 hour practise contests for a time now. I am thinking of switching to week long practise contests, with 6 DP 1900 — rated problems (because these are the ones I need to practise now). Only 6 problems because I don't practise all day long, and am free only in the evening.

Therefore, if you're interested, do join our discord channel:

Here I am planning on keeping invite links to contests, discussion on problems after contests, and a separate blog for all the problems. So that we can be sure we understood the problems and can give alternative approaches to other people solving the same problems.

So we start the virtual contest on Sunday, and discuss solutions on the next Sunday. Others' submissions will be visible too.

Do let me know if something similar is already been going on. I'd be glad to join that.

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