As in previous years, the list of all the great people who will compete in the most prestigious competition for high school students can be found here:
If you want to add new participants, please use this form:
If you want to report any mistakes or problems, please either fill the form above with correct data or add a comment under this post.
Vietnam's team information is wrong:
atoiz has 1 more attempt, the rest have 0 more attempt.
Thanks, should be fixed now.
Oops, I made a typo in the comments of the original blog post :( — it should be "Taariq Mowzer" instead of "Taariq Mower".
(Btw, Taariq's IOI profile is and all of my teammates have 0 attempts left.)
I've updated everything mentioned. Thanks!
Tan Si Jie (from SGP team) has the wrong stats link. As it is his first participation, he has no link on the website yet. The participant linked is Lin Si Jie, which is incorrect.
Thanks, I've unlinked his IOI stats profile.
Why is the default order alphabetical order by country code instead of by country name?
Mostly because I was lazy, sorry. I might try to fix it later :D
Correction: Rokas Urbonas from Lithuania participated in IOI 2018 not IOI 2019.
Correction: The country(as in the IOI regulations) representing the Taiwan area is a member of IOI under the name "Taiwan" but not "Taiwan, Province Of China".
Taiwan is not, and will never be a part of China!
Oof. Thanks for letting me know, I copied the list of countries from somewhere and didn't pay much attention. I'll fix it in a moment. I am really sorry!
some of the participants rating changed in the recent contest, do you want to update them or its too hard?
The ranks will update at midnight in my time zone (i.e. in half an hour).
IOI 2020 is live on IOI Stats.
I will update (at least) the Codeforces handles from this list soon.
P.S. kostka: your list contained at least one link to IOI Stats profile without any participations (usually happens with late changes to reg). You can't find it unless you know the ID, so I'm impressed. I usually delete those, but forgot for 2019; so I've done it before I matched anyone for 2020. As such, in your list if you have a contestant with no past participation but with IOI Stats link, it's now likely broken, so just FYI.
I'm glad to be able to lead everyone in worshiping the winner of IOI 2020.
Of course, nobody would pray toward me, given my lack of skill.
why would anyone pray for your success if the success is guaranteed by your infinite skill?
I have faith in my brother walnutwaldo20. He will win IOI!
You should update the list of Cuban participants.
Check it here.