Альтернативная таблица текущих результатов финала чемпионата мира ACM-ICPC 2013 будет доступна по адресу http://ahmed-aly.com/ICPC.jsp
Сейчас по этому адресу находится примерный вариант того, как это будет выглядеть. Я должен еще кое-что допилить.
Эта таблица содержит дополнительную информацию о каждой команде, как то:
- университет,
- страна,
- регион,
- название команды,
- TopCoder хэндлы участников,
- имена участников и тренера.
Вас ожидает возможность фильтрации таблицы по региону или стране. Кроме того, в таблице будут подсвечены чемпионы регионов, победитель и медалисты (на текущий момент).
Правка 1: Я добавил виджет для чата (он может быть скрыт), а таблица содержит результаты пробного тура.
Tiny addition: in Massachusetts Institute of Technology team, Ilya Razenshteyn = ilyaraz.
Thanks, I added him.
A to J ? How do you know it? The columns are A to L here
Edit: It is "Standings in 37th Annual Dress Rehearsal" but how do you know official problems are A to J?
It's just a random guess. :)
Without live chat it can't be so exciting :-)
Ну что ж, после этого, а также полного провала переговоров с организаторами по поводу сделать таблицу действительно live, я могу наконец-то с чистой совестью повесить лебединое озеро на место своей версии и заняться своими делами :)
@ahmed_aly, would be nice if you added the chat, even better with TC authentication.
What do you mean by TC authentication? How to do this?
I mean, allow chat users to authenticate themselves using their topcoder handles. This can be achieved by asking them to send their unique session id as a private message to your topcoder account, and then parsing incoming messages to your email.
This is how I implemented it in 2011-2012.
That chat was the best feature for spectators, it must be implemented!
I added a chatting widget. :)
Thank, but can you replace it to right part of the page, not to top. Now it takes a bit more place, that it can. Vertical floating chat will be even better!
I'm sorry, but the scoreboard should be as wide as possible, so I think adding the chat to the right of the scoreboard will not be a good idea.
Can you add Topcoder handles coloring like it was at zibada.ru/finals?
The TopCoder handles are already colored.
Handles were colored in the chat. Look at the comment
Aha, sorry I misunderstood what you meant. This is too hard to be done now, because I didn't implement this chatting widget, and there is no enough time to implement one with TopCoder coloring.
А как вы в прошлые года вытаскивали результаты во время хода соревнования?
while true; do sleep 3 && curl http://icpc.baylor.edu/scoreboard/ | ./parse.php; done
Can you tell more detailed, what agreement was supossed to be signed with you and organizers? What does it mean "actually live"? Why don't you create unofficial table just like you used to last few years?
I didn't sign any agreement with the organizers. By "live" I don't mean official, it just means that it will be updated during the contest and it's not official. Also I added a link to the official scoreboard.
Not you, my comment was a question to zibada.
Thx for that work, though. But your table is a bit... em... unfamiliar and complicated to me. Zibada's light tables looked more comfortable, so I'm asking him, why did he stop working on it.
I'm just not very interested in it now.
I can't do it forever anyway :)
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Btw, thanks for all your scoreboards! It was pretty exciting to watch them.
Another feature that proved useful is the ability to "pin" selected (favorite) teams to the top.
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