Hi everyone,
So, I've noticed that sometimes the rating of a contest's problems is updated within a few hours, but sometimes it takes days. For example of it taking a long time, it's been 9 (!) days from the last Edu round, and still no ratings. Obviously given the current condition I can't give a proof that sometimes it takes a few hours or <= 1 day, but you all know that's the case.
Sometimes (I guess like now), after a few contests, all the recent contest's problems' ratings are updated at once.
Why do these things happen? Is it hard to calculate the ratings? Isn't it simply running a short script that calculates the formula that was mentioned a few times before?
I like knowing the ratings because I can infer from them a lot about how I did in a contest.
Does anybody know?
why do you even care about the rating?
this can be guessed(most of the time) by seeing the amount of solved during the contest.
Then the problem ratings become irrelevant after giving the contest.
if you just want a good idea of what your performance was you can use cf rating predictor https://mirror.codeforces.com/blog/entry/50411, it's usually pretty accurate
not sure..but maybe it takes time to check plagiarism
Please update the ratings, it has been ages now.
UPD : They have been added !
Yeah, but not for yesterday's round :P
MikeMirzayanov could you enlighten us perhaps?