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bicsi's blog

By bicsi, history, 4 years ago, In English

Recently, I’ve figured out a way to improve matrix exponentiation-like algorithms for sparse matrices. I’m pretty sure that some of you might find this being elementary linear algebra, but I’m pretty proud of my discovery, so I’m going to write a blog post about it. I've marked some TODOs and ideas in square brackets, in case you want to help me enhance this.


Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Berlekamp-Massey algorithm, fast linear recurrence solvers.


  • M is an n×n “sparse” matrix, with m entries different than 0.
  • k is the exponent.

Complexities will be written in terms of n,m,k.

Cayley-Hamilton theorem

One of the most astonishing theorems in my opinion, what the theorem says is that for any n×n matrix, there exists some coefficients ci such that.


c is often called the characteristic polynomial of M.

This theorem essentially says that the powers of any n×n matrix follow a linear recurrence of order at most n (to understand why that is, take the above equation and multiply both sides with Mx for any x0).

Computing quadratic forms Mki,jaibj

Doing some little algebra, it is easy to see that Qi,jaibj can be written equivalently as aTQb, for any matrix Q. This is called a quadratic form.

Many problems involving matrix exponentiation in which you have to output one number essentially boil down to these quadratic forms. For example, computing the k-th fibonacci number essentially asks us to compute aTMkb, where a=b=[1,0]T, and M is the fibonacci recurrence matrix.

Note that, due to the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, after doing some algebra it can be seen that sk=aTMkb follows a linear recurrence with the recurrence coefficients equal to c. Therefore, if we compute s1,,s2n, we can use Berlekamp-Massey algorithm to deduce c, and then use a fast linear recurrence algorithm to compute Xkmodc (polynomial modulo) in O(n2logk) or O(nlognlogk), and then find out sk [there was a tutorial on Codeforces for this, perhaps you can share the link in the comments].

However, to do that, we have to compute s0,,s2n. In order to do that, remember that si=aTMib. This means that si=aTM(Mi1b). If we compute Mib for i=1,2,,2n (using iterative matrix vector products), we can compute s1,,s2n in time O(mn) (it is essential to understand that a matrix-vector product Mv can be computed in complexity O(m)).

Summing up, we can do the following:

  • Compute s0,,s2n in O(mn)
  • Compute c in O(n2) using Berlekamp-Massey
  • Compute Xnmodc in O(n2logk) or O(nlognlogk)
  • Compute sk in O(n)

Total complexity is O(mn+n2+n2logk+n) or O(mn+n2+nlognlogk+n).

Computing matrix-vector products Mkv.

Let’s go even further and compute matrix-vector products. This is the same as computing e(j)Mkv for all j. Here e(j) is the j-th element of the canonical base (e(j)k=[k=j]). The key thing to notice here is that the characteristic polynomial c is the same for all j, so all elements follow the same recurrence. Also, products Miv are computed in the previous procedure, so we can just use them to compute all initial terms of the recurrence!

This essentially means that you can just take any non-zero vector w (*), compute the initial 2n terms Miv that you need, and then do Berlekamp-Massey on wTMiv, and you are done! The only thing that changes is the last step, which requires O(n2) work now.

*There are some good and bad choices for such a vector. In particular, you would want to choose a vector w such that the sequence wTAiv has order of recurrence equal to n. I think it's fine to just pick random vectors until this works?

Total complexity is O(mn+n2+n2logk+n2) or O(mn+n2+nlognlogk+n2).

Computing Mk?

I’m not sure if this is possible, but I’m eager to hear your ideas!

Example problems

Given a directed graph G with n vertices and m edges, compute the number of paths of length exactly k. Optionally, compute the number of paths of length k starting in each of the n vertices. n1000,m10000,k109. [any links to this problem?]

Given an undirected tree with n vertices, find the number of paths of length k from a given root vertex r to all other vertices. [Link]

Given a planar graph G with n vertices, find the expected number of steps until you reach node n, starting from node 1. At every step you choose an arbitrary neighbor of the current vertex. [Link]

[other problems?]

Sample code

Note that the sample code does not compute matrix-vector products in O(m). While it kind of breaks the purpose of this blog post, it is more a test of correctness than an actual solution to a problem.

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4 years ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +18 Vote: I do not like it

Here is one of such problems: link

Another one is problem E here

4 years ago, # |
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I guess this is sometimes called black-box algebra.

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    4 years ago, # ^ |
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    At first I thought this was a pun, but apparently there is such a thing! XD

4 years ago, # |
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I believe that the first time in CP this technique appeared at the ITMO Petrozavodsk contest, in the problem "Fresh Matrix" from izban.

4 years ago, # |
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4 years ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +20 Vote: I do not like it

The whole thing is known as Black-box linear algebra and was already featured in various contest. I learned it from here. But still you deserve some bragging rights :)

Probably the most succinct way to put this is the following: Given a matrix M, take a random row vector a,b and compute aMkbT for all 0kn. If you run a Berlekamp-Massey algorithm, then w.h.p you get a minimal polynomial of M.

Then the examples here become obvious, as long as you don't multiply a matrix by itself.

If you do some perturbation (take a random diagonal matrix and multiply) to make the matrix random, the constant term of minimal polynomial w.h.p coincides with those of the characteristic polynomial aka Determinant. Note that the determinant of original matrix can be recovered, because diagonal matrix have trivial determinant and det(AB)=det(A)det(B). One application of this is to compute the number spanning tree of a graph in O(nm) time.

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    4 years ago, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +10 Vote: I do not like it

    That’s a really nice article, especially as it also mentions that you can solve linear systems using a similar idea. I’ll look more into this. Also, I might think about how to extend to other cases, like computing traces, for example. Thank you!

    ’the constant term coincides with the determinant’ — maybe I understood it wrong, but the article doesn’t seem to assume that. It assumes proportionality is conserved (therefore, it computes c(AΔ,0)/c(Δ,0), where Δ is a random diagonal matrix, right?

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      4 years ago, # ^ |
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      Yeah, it's my mistake. I updated the comment. Thank you!