Блог пользователя kpw29

Автор kpw29, история, 4 года назад, По-английски

Today after the round #707 I managed to get Time Limit Exceeded on problem B. Surprisingly, when I resubmitted after system tests, and got AC fitting tightly into the TL.

So I resubmitted $$$5$$$ more times. Each one got Accepted, too.

It's not a first time this happens. During the round #683, when I was among writers team, in one of the problems someone managed to get TLE on system tests even though we had pretests=tests.

Did you also experience something similar? Any idea what causes the judge to become slower during the contest? And, most importantly, should it be considered a bug or a feature?

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4 года назад, # |
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I have experienced similar while solving 1474C - Уничтожение массива although my solution gave TLE and failed in system tests

4 года назад, # |
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Your accepted submissions took 1990ms on average, time limit is 2000ms. Even 0.5% variation in the runtime would lead to TLE in this case.

4 года назад, # |
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there was a same situation with bogorodniy in past