We will hold AtCoder Beginner Contest 197(Sponsored by Panasonic).
- Contest URL: https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc197
- Start Time: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20210327T2100&p1=248
- Duration: 100 minutes
- Number of Tasks: 6
- Writer: evima, Kmcode, QCFium, satashun, YoshikaMiyafuji, beet, kort0n, heno239, tempura0224
- Rated range: ~ 1999
The point values will be 100-200-300-400-500-600.
We are looking forward to your participation!
Someone knows good resources for convolution?
Can anyone explain how to solve D(The one that involved Geometry)?Link to the Problem
You are supposed to take the first point and rotate it by 180/(n/2) degrees counter-clockwise, around the circle formed by point 1 and point n/2, Center of the circle being mid point between them, radius being the distance between the points/2
Can someone provide a test in which this solution fails for D? I've had a really tough time figuring it out (passed 10/18). Thanks.
Does this work? I assume
stands for πyour code return
1.000000000000 2.000000000000
, I feel answer is0 0
In input it's stated N >= 4, so this shouldn't be an issue. And yes, you're right M_PI is c++ constant for Pi.
EDIT: Nvm, I think you meant 4 instead of 2 in your input, I see my code returns the clockwise direction instead of counter-clockwise. Thanks.
How to solve E ?
I was filming some training camp footage for some reason, so you might understand my solution as I was speaking some nonsense while implementing it.
Can anyone help me out why my code is Failing for Problem C — ORXOR
I simply recurse over all possible combinations taking the minimum, i.e at every index i, We have two possibilities either include it in sequence or partition and start a new sequence from here.
Thanks a Lot !!
You should change
return min(count(i+1,ans,store|arr[i]),count(i+1,ans^arr[i],0));
intoreturn min(cnt(i+1,ans,store|arr[i]),cnt(i+1,ans^store,arr[i]));
You can also go to see the official editoral to learn an easier solution.E was a cute task.
Your Username precisely says why.
Can anyone explain the idea of "build new graph" in problem F?Thanks in advance
How to do problem F? My solution which is quite a mess because maybe I don't understand properly how to construct the graph? I used a map to assign node numbers to the pairs so that its easier to construct the adjacency list. Can someone help me?I am really stuck now :( UPD: IGNORE!! It was a stupid mistake