- You are given an array A of size N. Initially all the elements of the array are zero. Also, you have an infinite length array S which holds the property that the index is equal to the value of the array i.e. for each i(i>=1),S[i]=i.
- Now you have Q queries to perform on array A. Each query contains two variables L and R.
- For each query you have to perform the following operations:
- For all index i, where L<=i<=R you have to add the value of the array S from starting position incrementing its positions to the array element at index i. That is:
- initialize j=1;
- for each i=L to R:
- A[i]=A[i]+S[j]
- j=j+1
- After performing Q queries, you need to output the final values present in array A
- First line contains integer N indicating the size of the array indexed from 1 to N.
- Second line contains integer Q indicating no of Queries.
- Followed by Queries where each line contains two no L and R.
- 1<=N<=100000
- 1<=Q<=100000
- 1<=L<=R<=N
- Output Format:
- Print output of final values present in array A in a space separated order
Please provide the link to the question. Otherwise how can it be checked if it is from a ongoing test.
Create a new array $$$C$$$, for each query $$$(L, R)$$$, add $$$1$$$ to $$$C[L]$$$, add $$$L-R-2$$$ to $$$C[R+1]$$$ and $$$R-L+1$$$ to $$$C[R+2]$$$. At the end $$$A=prefixsum(prefixsum(C))$$$
*walmart chut quota hiring
Put your toxicity in your dick. Don't ruin the decoram of codeforces.
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Is this part of the interview process in order to become a Walmart employee?
I am not really sure but this question was asked in Byterace by IIT Patna in Codechef , You can check here Problem Link This is a classic Prefix Sum problem