Довольно много людей списали проблемы E, D и C. Я думаю, что это несправедливо, и я призываю всех не обманывать!!! Рейтинг — это не самое главное на codeforces, если вы поднялись в рейтинге нечестно, то вы не подниметесь выше человека, который сливает коды таким образом!!! Если вы найдете похожие, напишите идентификационные коды здесь. Простите за мой плохой английский. Вот несколько списанных кодов: 122809148 122808938 122809561 122812116 122839934 122844652 122844589 122844466 122843872 122843251 122853368 122853363 122853166 122852697 122852460 122849496
Auto comment: topic has been translated by OG_Matveychick1 (original revision, translated revision, compare)
Автокомментарий: текст был обновлен пользователем OG_Matveychick1 (предыдущая версия, новая версия, сравнить).
Автокомментарий: текст был обновлен пользователем OG_Matveychick1 (предыдущая версия, новая версия, сравнить).
Автокомментарий: текст был обновлен пользователем OG_Matveychick1 (предыдущая версия, новая версия, сравнить).
are you deadass serious
Автокомментарий: текст был обновлен пользователем OG_Matveychick1 (предыдущая версия, новая версия, сравнить).
Actually, why do you care about them? Nothing better than the feeling you have achieved something by yourself. I think that the satisfaction of our own small achievments is much greater than of this of positive rating change after cheating.
Why do you care about him caring about them?
Why do you care about her caring about him caring about them?
Because I don't support cheating.
I dig, it was a joke.
I am really sorry if it sounds like I support cheating. I was just being positive... Sadly, there will always be some cheaters.
I was expecting more caring comments.
People are not that caring these days
Maybe you are new here. (Me too btw) After "every" contest (and before plagiarism check) people posts about cheating stuff. Of course, many people get caught. But few are smart. So, rather than worrying about cheating focus on learning. Because learning will help not the worrying or posting.
Last contest my rank was terrible! And I feel so good! because I didn't cheat =)
Looking forward to the next one on Thursday ;) I saw that you have reached master, so I am sure you will get positive raiting changes really soon. Good luck!
Many of them will be penalized. Many won't be. I don't know when those people will learn.
when they are tired of being penalized
Not everyone gets caught though. There are many ways of being safe. Make a long-ass template. Write redundant comments and function calls within the main function. Change variable names to random words that no one else uses. I've seen people do this.
stop giving them ideas :P
Damn!! CF doesn't give the option to delete comments either.
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русские посты о читинге — это новый уровень...
This guy really tried his heart out to not get caught, I'm quite curious if he will be: 122849496
Thank you
This one got caught. This one didn't :(
The guy was cheating in previous rounds as well, but based on his profile, he seems proud about his achievement I would say :D
I know that. 122848645, 122791124 and 122802265 are from the same contest and look equally suspicious.
No actions taken. But anyway :|
Looks like someone from codeforces manually marked that single submission 122815615 as skipped (presumably after reading your comment), but the rest of submissions from the same contests still remained accepted: https://mirror.codeforces.com/submissions/Mani007/contest/1530
Something like this already happened before: https://mirror.codeforces.com/submissions/kedos123/contest/1539
Oops. Then I was slightly late. I should have written all four in the original comment.