Lets first give the introduction of these two DUMBOS.
BABBAR: Runs a YouTube channel having 300K+ subscribers
ANUJ BHAIYA: Runs a YouTube channel having 170k+ subs.
Who am I?
Ans: I am also among one of the YouTubers who belong to the company Amazon.
Why am I writing this post?
Ans: I am wanting to clear the misconception that they have spread about the company, and how they are misusing there wrong doings to wrongly influence people to do wrong tasks.
Recently Babbar posted that he will be resigning Amazon. Next Anuj posts that Amazon asked him to choose YouTube or Amazon, and he makes a video that he left Amazon for students. The moment Anuj released the video, Babbar felt he will loose out on fame, so within an hour, he posted on Linkedin that he also stood with 3L students over Amazon. The screenshots of these things are below..
Time for EXPOSE:
I reached out to the teammates of Babbar and Anuj, and got the insider infos which are listed below:
Babbar's performance was not upto the mark, hence his youtube channel was reported, which was then looked after. On a norm, every Amazon engineer gets promoted to SDE 2 in the month of March roughly after 1.10 years of his joining if he joined as fresher. Babbar got 7% increment in his first year, and in 2nd year a 8% increment, whereas his mates who joined along him were promoted to SDE-2. Anuj recently joined and he did not complete any of the tasks given to him on deadline.
Anuj and Babbar both violated Amazon's compliance by making a vlog of the entire Office, which caught the eyes as they had views in Lacs.
Both of them repeatedly used Amazon's logo in thumbnails and titles to attract newbies every month.
PS: Both reportedly took a lot of videos private, and changes titles thumbnails. From "AMAZON engineer" to "Software Developer".
- Babbar recorded couple of videos, one was solving leetcode during office hours, and one more was showing the entire on-call procedure where a part of internal amazon video call in chime was also shown which is illegal by all means.
Use of office laptop, to edit shoot and do all other stuffs specifically during office hours.
Use of sponsorships in videos which had use of Amazon logos in thumbnail and title.
Babbar was interviewing with Google, he was rejected in the first round only. He mentioned it in his video that his video, his resume was selected at Google. He then interviewed with Microsoft, and will be joining it.
Anuj and Babbar both have been repeatedly mentioning that they are helping students. Agreed, but why are you lying to them. You never took a stand for them. Anuj started DSA course one year back, and has uploaded just 40 videos, and has uploaded 70+ so called gyan and unboxing videos.
Babbar took a stand for students, LOLLLL. What has he done on a substance till date except roadmaps? He is joining MS but he is misusing the word "stand for you" and milking sympathy.
Lastly, Anuj mentioned he is earning 1/4th of Amazon salary. Babbar is also repeatedly stating that he is earning less. Anuj charges 60-80k for a sponsorship, while Babbar charges 75K-1.25L for a single sponsorship. Logically their earning at Youtube is 4x/5x than Amazon. Anuj also does Unacademy where he takes a massive per hour rate. Why are you people fooling the innocent students by making "AMAZON" down, and showing you are some "MESSIAHHH".
Amazon did not fire them, amazon asked them to give a written statement on why they did that. Amazon never interfered on their channel's content. We have other youtubers along with me, anshika, soumyajit, codeskool, riddhi and others, who were not questioned by any one. Babbar resigned as he was to join Microsoft, but he saw this as a perfect setup to gain views, subscribers, and reach. Anuj at the other hand is earning 4x of what he was doing at Amazon, he followed Chaman Dhattarwal's path.
Anuj still puts a bit of sensible content, but this Babbar has just used "AMAZON" tag to guide students. Irony is, a person who has never has done CP guides how to do CP, a person from tier 1 guides how to get off campus placements to tier 3 people. Sadly but the audience is such a FOOL.
Babbar's upcoming videos:
Why I left Amazon ?
How I cracked Microsoft ?
First day at Microsoft.
Amazon vs Microsoft work culture
Unboxing Microsoft Goodies.
And this is what they call the so called STAND for STUDENTS! India has 3L+ FOOLS, SADLY!
Build your own Brand, stop using Company's name! Amazon is one of the best companies I have worked for till date!
They found a perfect setup, to use sympathy by fooling innocent students that they left for them. Please share this blog so that the students are not fooled.
Reason of uploading this on Codeforces and not on Linkedin ?
Ans: I don't have so many followers there, and even if I make a video, their audience is so noob that they will destroy my inbox as they are doing here at codeforces. Here, you get equal reach if you have a valid point, and I feel it was the need of the hour. Kudos to Codeforces for sharing this post!
Indians are fools, they treat these bhaiyas as "GOD's". Someone give Babbar a roadmap, how to become SDE2 in 2 years XD
Legends says that He is working on a Roadmap from Newbie to Master in 6 months
they don't even have a cf account ,from what i know.
omg, a software engineer without a cf account? what a disgrace!! how is that even possible???
Yes in india people like Babbar cram Data structures and some famous algos and they can crack Amazon as they have good communication skills and companies visit their college campus (major benefit)
Leave alone Amazon, he is now moving to Microsoft with help of strong referrals.
He himself suggests 450 questions of Data structures are enough for sde in india (by cram or learn whatever)
Btw he has an account ( lovebabbar ) but the account is empty lollll. He never touched cp ,only limited ques learning is enough acc. to him and some luck too.
Dude !! -is-this-fft- was saying that sarcastically. You took it seriously . XD
in his yt videos he has clearly mentioned that he is not a cp guy.
With that logic, I started existing after my internship at Amazon. LMAO.
For those who didn't got the sarcasm. I know this place is an effective place to learn DSA but this isn't the be-all-end-all for software engineers. That's what -is-this-fft- meant.
Yes, thank you.
In general — multiple exclamation points and sentences starting without a capital letter are good indicators that the sentence shouldn't be taken seriously.
This may be a bit off-topic but more broadly, I think CF or even competitive programming shouldn't have to have much to do with software engineering in general and this matter has bothered me a lot recently. What I mean is that IMO it's a problem when companies hold hiring tests and interviews that are basically competitive programming contests. And judging from a lot of comments on CF, it's considerably worse in certain countries.
Why I think CP contests as hiring tests/interviews is a bad idea: software engineers don't really need to know this stuff (yeah, an engineer should have some logical thinking but I've seen these tests and they sometimes want stuff like an off-the-shelf implementation of SOS-DP or something like that, which is neither necessary nor requires much thinking). This has created many desperate people who need to learn something they don't need, aren't interested in and aren't naturally good at. In turn, it generates a lot of shitty attitudes, including but not limited to cheating. And finally, it means that Recent Actions is flooded with posts about some youtubers being big phonies.
And yeah, I kinda understand some possible reasons why these tests exist (like if you have a million applicants and need some automatic filtering) but still, I really hope there's something we can do about it.
@ache_se_poll_khola u have created new account just for comment :-)..
++ To a large extent they are fooling younger section for their fame and gain subscribers
and guys follow them blindly leading them to nowhere.
*Indians following them blindly are fools,....
After reading blog on CF -
Le* so-called Anuj bhaiya and love Babbar —
Commenting for Better reach
Kile thok dunga inki g**d mein
Please comment, so that it floats on the top of Codeforces. It is important that people are not fooled!
What they did may be wrong. But, I guess they may have some genuine content, for instance, Babbar gave a list of 50 companies that students can apply, his DSA sheet having 450 problems is also well curated to help students get a grasp of all the concepts that are required for a technical interview.
I don't know about anuj bhaiya though, because I don't follow him.
so in which FAANG compnay are you working now?
No, I'm not working in any FAANG company, I'm still in my 2nd year. And I am preparing for the interviews, I just gave my opinion because I followed those problems and many of the concepts were cleared because of it.
even if you select some random question on codeoforces and solve them then you will definitely learn some new concept , so basically what i want to say is learning new concept is other thing but what these guys are saying that if you follow their problem set cheet-sheet you will be capable to crack any coding round of some xyz company which is not true.
I will keep that in mind. Thanks for clarifying.
He didn't say that you can crack any company. He said you can crack majority of the companies which is true.
If you think that provided 450 DSA problems are based on his research, then you should look at the Leetcode's top interview questions(Contains only 454 problems and don't forget 450) which are available on Leetcode before even his channel exists.
in leetcode, there are approx 2000 problems, 1/4th of which babbr included in his sheet :)
Commenting for Better REACH! These guys are not doing good to the Society. They are spreading wrong info about companies.
Did I open linkedin by mistake ?
my reaction to this entire blog
I see you are amazingly active :) on mostly all the spicy posts at code forces. Interesting :)
You took my reaction as your reaction and now you have more upvotes. Thats not fair :(
Ratism. Just look at my comment above. 0 votes even though i upvoted it from my other account
Bro just look at your name
The same thing has been said by Arnav Gupta a few days ago.
While I agree with Arnav on most of the things he has written, I completely disagree with him about the pilot's part (which is him clearly talking about Flying Beast aka Gaurav Taneja). Either he doesn't know about his case or he is being ignorant. I mean, no one in his right mind would file a case against an MNC (which could probably hire the best lawyer available on the planet) for barely getting views. Whatever he was claiming was definitely not a hoax and he was getting support from ex-senior inspectors. So, I think Arnav should not have dragged him into the scene. If Babbar thinks he is right and Amazon has done wrong, then he must also proceed legally just like Gaurav did.
Arnav is af arrogant ! He always thinks that his views are always correct on point , better ignore him.
He himself made FAANGShadi bullshit site. Oh, the irony.
Here's another with similar stuff:
You should post these things on linkedin instead of codeforces.
Linkedin gurus would have roasted him/her most probably
These guys needs to be roasted everywhere:)
I can't say it's a good post or not. But it sure is an eye opener.
Also, it has become a trend to gain attention by relating 2 disjoint activities which has to be stopped. Otherwise that time is not far when we'll be seeing videos, "Art of proposing a girl by an IITian/NITian", "How I poop as a googler and you should too".
" Art of proposing a girl by an IITIAN / NITIAN " is something I really think will help a lot people XDXD.
in getting rejected
I don't want to downvote this because I don't see anything wrong with the content in this blog. But I think this is not the platform for this
Do you also love Apples
Yeah, also I am here to get my Deathnote back and someone at Codeforces has it
Then I guess there are 2 Death Note here
I don't think this is the right platform for this post it belongs to LinkedIn ig
These so called FAANG people had already made linkedin Tiktok. Please don't make CF like that.
Remove Amazon from faang and you will see not that much bullshits are there on LinkedIn
Why are you posting these on CF? We are hare to learn learn and learn, we don't care about such controversy or YouTube bhaiya's.
Sad part is that, they (Love Babbar , Anuj Bhaiya , Chamman Dhatarwal) have more subscriber and followers than those who ( Rachit Jain, Gaurav Sen , and Raj Vikramaditya ) provide geneuine content without any expectations. Also , they have their codeforces and codechef rating which spoke much more about them but still people doesn't want to take the genuine path. They just need shortcut for everything. They just need "25 din mein paisa double". That's what promote these youtubers to make the eye catching thumbnail and fool all the people around youtube and other platform.
झूठी शान के परिंदे ही ज्यादा फड़फड़ाते हैं, बाज़ की उडान में कभी आवाज़ नहीं होती।
Only the birds of false pride flutter more, There is never a sound in a falcon's flight
There was a time I was following them. But after sometimes I realised nothing will be done with the roadmaps.If you want to learn you will find your own map by the time. There are other channels like TUF(Raj Vikramaditya) , pepcoding who instead of preaching , do something to improve your problem solving skills.
Lol, I'm from India and don't even know that these people exist.
I watch these "As an amazon engineer" pop in my recommended once a week. I don't pay heed to these, I would much rather watch Errichto's FHC screencast and learn something productive and not just fake lies to promote courses.
Bro I think you missed one ,**NIMSHANT** CHAHAMR
I hate his smile.
What is CHAHAMR i thought he was Chahar
Thes most useless youtube channel!
Categories of his videos: Unboxing Microsoft goodies, Sudden surprise from Microsoft, Gifting iPhone to papa and a hell lot of useless stuff, he got about 40k subscribers or more maybe more I don't know just by posting these and on the other hand the channel "CodeNCode" still has hardly 38k subscribers! I feel pity for CodeNCode, What Nishant Chahar is doing: noting, but what codeNcode is doing: a lot of important CP playlist
Chaman dhattarwal.I like it. Take my upvote :)
Use Linkedin to post these kind of content
I talked with an Amazon insider and can confirm all these things are true to their best! They were not even doing their company work and just putting full time on youtube only and that can not be tolerated and that too for useless view making cringe videos. Babbar knows yt channel may in future can give more money just by fooling kids in first year and 2nd year and by using useless titles and logics for coding and making repetitive content.
The brainless supporters of anuj and babbar are all kids from 1st year who havn't even faced college life due to pandemic and think these are maseehas and leaving company just because of their love towards community. Guys its a request pls be mature and grow up. Babbar also applied to google and got rejected but he never disclosed interview experience and all imp stuff and all that too. Just they do is make useless use of amazon tag to gain views and likes.
Anuj bhaiya is also in same bucket but i feel less hate coz he is teaching and make repeating senseless videos lesser than what babbar is flooding.
Lastly attaching a link on what our great striver says with exact timestamp on this issue on yt:
Striver's remark on all this community love shit by BaBBAR AND ANuj
Believe it or not but out of all of those on youtube wanting to help and in big MNCs, striver_79 (sTRIVER, raj) is the most mature and down to earth guy I have ever seen. Striver is op person!
This post gives me inner peace.
Who cares about this off-topic trash. This is a CP website
Koi nhi likhte jaao jitne gande blogs likh sakte ho......Aise nhi bdhti aapki reach......LOVE is LOVE bruhhh.....U r just here for fame....or jalne waalo ki jlegi
chup mc
Add this pls @ babbaranuj_exposed
Next video title :
Why I left Microsoft?
Next Next Next video title : I left software engineering and will be a full time youtuber now
If his video sequence matches this( which I am sure it will) this guy should be rewarded.
Babbar after one Year:
Bro he made a video today on "I left microsoft" XD
These guys should follow their own roadmaps. "yeh karlo fir saara company nikal loge",lol, toh fir apka Google main kyo nahi huwa ji?
he got into microsoft and he never said that line which you mentioned.
I bet you that, He can even not able to crack Microsoft online assessment round!!
"Sab referral ka chakkar hai"!!
Do you even know what referral is? It doesn't work like this the way you mentioned. It gives almost 90-95% chance that the candidate will receive an online test link. After that it depends on candidate to clear OA, then all the interviews. The referral doesn't give you a job. Wish there was some haha emojis in the editor.
Meanwhile (Non-Indians): Wtf is happening on codeforces? Who are these legends?
Honestly, CF blogs have better content than Youtube channels. Most Youtube channels (except for a few) use the same example for explaining a particular concept (like factorial for recursion and coin change for Dp). Nothing new as such(These are solely my views).
To be honest Kartik Arora (I don't want to tag him maybe he is busy now,you can easily find his handle on CF)is the only guy I found on YouTube who post some good stuffs related to CP, all other Amazon YouTubers are just spreading so called gyaan PS:- I don't want to hurt anyone personally..
Kartik Arora and Aditya Verma.. both underrated channels
Luv also have some good contents related to cp. Roadmaps and interview stuff also there but at a very decent amount.
Also Priyansh Agarwal
Joke of the decade: Ex Amazonians teach others to the treasure they cannot possess.
Nsitians after grabbing Placement == > Youtube is my passion .
Looks kike people here don't know about anything about moonlight policy. And he never have guided about CP, watch that video again he had a guest candidate who was candidate master on Codeforces. That guy guided students abou cp. not love babbar, and, do you expect everyone to provide courses, you are just trash talking about his content, its ok if don't find any value in them, there are people like me who got their life changed because of that content. And talking about you, your talks are totally immature, toxic. Don't have guts to come with real id there is nothing to feel scare if you post a true thing. Half of your facts are wrong and other half is common sense its visible to everyone what they post. You doesn't seem to a ethical person, may be its not your fault your parents might have not taught some ethics to you.
Yes I can very well see how much their content has benefited you I can see the #candidate master tag on your profile very well. Kudos to you. Bro there exist no roadmap for cp.Its a process of learning which makes you mentally and emotionally strong. Never talk about anybodies parent everyone can have his own opinion. Whatever he said is nothing wrong that's my opinion.
First of all bruh, I am not at all talking about his CP content(which is 1 video only) i am talking about other content 450 QUes list, oops, CN, DBMS, OS lists. This is the content I am talking about, I don't want to take rating to my grave, neither I want to become cp champ, i only want SDE job that's it. I am only here to give some contests to improve my speed and some problem solving only to clear coding rounds, I did that pretty well as got two offers one from ZS Associates and other from Walmart last week in campus placement, and none of the single questions in the whole interview process were out of his content. I am very thankful to him. Now the joke is on you. and why the hell did you assumed i am seeking some cp guidance and looking for roadmaps. I don't need to I very well know its a sport where everyone has to dig themselves and get their hand dirty to get better. Next time please don't assume anything yourself. Now now your last two lines backfire on you. Seems like you don't think before speaking up. And yeah some of things that guy said are bitter truth like using company name for clout.
Ohh now you have become ready for making YouTube video please call your inspiration Mr love babbar on your channel and let him tell how to become SDE2 directly after graduation as a fresher and I think he will describe it very well because he has a flair of explaining things to people which he himself was not able to do.
Dude you again assumed, he is not at all my inspiration, his content just helped me to get where i am, and Walmart has different naming convention there is no SDE 1 in Walmart there profile starts from SDE 2 == SDE 1 of other companies. Get some info first. And dude stop this hate. If You are happy at someone's failure then their is no bigger failure then you. Its ok if you don't find any use of his videos just simply don't watch, why this hate, their are other thousands of students who gets helps from his content.
Stop replying to Honest_opinion. Repeated replies indicate that you are getting bothered by his comments.
Take a hint and stop.
Are you really in Walmart? You already spelled your company's name wrong twice. Isn't it strange?
Exactly a person who has never done cp has no point to speak about it, even the type of content these Nsit guys give on YouTube are completely bogus, I don't know why the people go and follow such people blindly, there are other YouTuber like Errichto,galen_colin who are legendary coders, people should follow them because they are the best persons who have the right to give advice on competitive programming and people instead of following them follow these guys who just make foolish content to quench their thrust of money without having any ethics.
I didn't know being a youtuber is so cool. You can literally clickbait people by simply being fired from your job.
And here comes our real hero demoralizer.
Saar unretiring when?
Can we take this comment as your return to youtube.
Please give your channel demoralizer to ( CoderAnshu aka _runtimeTerror_ ) coz both of u seems brother by face and almost have comparable skills too and he is the best match for this channel.
Dont be so mean bro.
Why does he need to give his channel of hard earned subs to someone else?
Will you stop being mean?
Also, I talked to Anshu, he doesn't even want the channel.
Not just channel bro! Maybe try telling him about your earnings and unacademy offers, he will surely get interest out of nowhere.
So you think a random grey from CF (you) knows about it, but he (my college mate) doesn't know.
yes maybe i closely watch you more than him lol
he(anshu) is busy with his cp skills only i heard bout him
just unsubscribe and move on smh
Did you get ppo? just curious to know!!!
TBH, for someone like demoralizer getting a PPO or job should not be much of a concern
Abraham Lincoln Quote about Babbar:
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."
XD I was every day checking the channels of other amazon employees who had youtube channels, my instinct told me that something is fishy here.
Jalne ki badbu aa rahi h kahi se
I am the guy who has taken stand against love babbar in his linkedin post.
Who gives a shit about Indian youtubers on Codeforces? Post such shitty blogs elsewhere. Let Codeforces remain a good CP website and not a media for some bullshit propaganda from your country.
Does anyone knows cf handle of luv babbar?
Yeh raaj v usi ke sath chala gaya..
wow !
Yea true he has done great contributions to the cheating community.
Someone needs a roadmap on how to become SDE 2 within 2 years.
I unsubscribed Love Babbar's channel, when he make video how to become a candidate master in 6 months!!! Lol
For Off campus striver is the best guy to follow and learn as he has done exceptionally well in this field.
Real id se aa Kunal Kushwaha.
Chaman dhattarwal. That's it. That's the post.
someone made a codeforces account only for making a blog on love babbar and anuj ....xd
Oh shut up you shit guy. Anuj and Babbar bhaiya are those YouTubers who thinks for every student, if student wants help they do, they make a video to guide us. And you are trying to expose them with these fake stories. Oh come on when will you be a grow up man. You are a fake and a very stupid guy nothing more than that, so stop spreading these fake stories.
Are you a 1st year student?
grow up man no one does it for free they earn more from utube thats why they are doing this not for helping you and if u follow babbar come here after 6 months with candidate master profile let me see how noob can become in 6 months in a year i am in newbie pupil phase only one of the main reasons are telegram cheating but i don't think newbie with no knowledge can become cn in 6 months
This is so sad to read. I don't understand few things.
No comments on Babbar and Anuj, but I'm pretty sure anyone working at Amazon wouldn't have the free time to create a new Codeforces account only to bitch and write long posts about random people.
I don't get all the Amazon fanboys in the comment section here. It's trivial to land a job there, if you know any CP. And the pay isn't competitive compared to other similar, "elite" companies. There are much better options out there, Amazon isn't "The Holy Grail" of programming.
For Indians, landing in Amazon is a dream lol.
Speak for yourself
So, you will reject an offer from Amazon if you get it?
If I am unemployed I will perhaps, otherwise probably not. Depends on how much I will be paid.
Also accepting its offer won't mean that it was my dream to be there.
My dream is to not have to work anymore
Please Delete this blog its codeforces not linkdeln let it be a coding community and why are you trolling just try to understand the mental state of the person to whom you are saying like this how he would be feeling. I request MikeMirzayanov to please remove this blog. Let it be a community for learners.
We have other youtubers along with me, anshika, soumyajit, codeskool, riddhi and others, who were not questioned by any one.
Yes bro Keyarcee , Only kartik8800 is left in above list and I too think he is the writer behind this CF Blog post coz many times he also get frustrated about how shitty content is getting more views and his top notch educational content hardly get views.
That's not an answer to that question. There are surely at least thousands of such people in the world, yet only you bothered to make a blog like this here. What do they have to do with CF? Why are you writing this post here?
I agree irrelevant on CF.
respect this platform
i don't think codeforces is the place for this expose and all keep this to reddit or maybe quora
Proud to be not a subscriber of them
typical Indian
Wow, some racist you are
The OP`s comment insulting Indians has received 15 upvotes while my comment calling him out as a racist has 15 downvotes...Very interesting to see to general outlook of the public on this platform..
I'm Indian, but I can smell this garbage a mile away. Not all indians are "fools"
gulami indians ke khoon me aa chuki hai ab, inke bhi bhakt ban gye. Really man no one is a fool to leave his whole career just for the support of so-called students whom he doesn't even know personally. Completely fake for gaining sympathy and if I can remember correctly Babbar once confessed in one video that his youtube earnings are way more than what amazon pays them.
Here Babbar is a little smart and thinking for the long term he didn't leave software development completely where Anuj has some other plans.
just once question for Anuj, if youtube is paying only 1/4 of Amazon's earning and not allowing him to support students then he can easily switch to other software companies that too with a hike, why he left his job completely and just switched to youtube??
In India everyone plays emotional games be it moody Ji, Sallu Bhai or be it Babbar or Anuj.
Lmao i just saw Mr. babbar's glorious resignation video. He literally hired professional cinematographer to make a video on him resigning.
This guy is a next level scammer, no wonder Amazon threw him out
He scammed 3 lakh Indians.He is a pro.
bro then its a fault of us means people here want to see roadmap but dont follow it he used it and scammed and made it a buisness
speak for yourself
We he portrated the codeforces as evil and accused codeforces for misleading his audience, what is he up to??? He is not having a CP Background and he is again manipulating his so called audeince!!! We can definetly show our frustration by hitting the appropriate Respnose given as button to this RESIGNATION VIDEO!!!
he can't fool me,
because i can't understand indian accent.
Are you jealous of their subscribers or their long long ... legacy
First of all, people like you who don't even have the guts to criticize someone from their official account disgusts me. In your second point, you are detailing about babbar's Amazon performance which itself should be enough to get you fired. Someone's Amazon performance does not give you any data point to judge their DSA teaching as teaching is an art. It is pretty clear that you are jealous of this popularity on YouTube and I don't think you have watched all his content as some of his videos are really good and to the point which may have contributed to the world way more than your shitty job and your shitty arrogance. Neither Amazon, nor YouTube needs/wants people like you. Even if you are red on CF and a top tier engg at Amazon, you would still be going to zero with that attitude in the long run.
Cyans who necropost on 5 month old threads disgust me.
Oh fuck this is an old blog ... I saw it in recent actions and commented without reading oops sorry
There are many Indian Fools, some of are fooling the innocent students by making such YT videos and some of are selling CF solutions on Telegram.
Ok Bangladeshi Einstein..
All these comments can be found here.
Next video title :
Why I left Microsoft?
~ avdpNext Next Next video title : I left software engineering and will be a full time youtuber now
~ amanjainnnNext Video : - How to become Youtuber - Roadmap to become billionaires!
~ vivek_javiyaIf his video sequence matches this( which I am sure it will) this guy should be rewarded.
~ Aaste123 What reward you going to plan now?Future was already predicted 9 months back!
Is time travel possible?
This was easily predictable XD. Or Love Babbar got this idea by reading CF comments.
XDDDDD I wont be hesitated to say the latter's probability being higher XDD
I agree with you man. I am the fool that you have mentioned above. I started doing dsa sheet of love babbar but the question setup in sheet is very random. that waste my lots of time and I got so low. I am very disappointed by these people how they fooling students like us.
thank god, i am not one of their subscribers