jaglike_makkar's blog

By jaglike_makkar, history, 3 years ago, In English

Please have a look at the following two submissions of 1582E - Пчеленок и подотрезки:

  1. 138848779
  2. 138849288

The first submission gave RTE on test 8. But just by replacing ll with int, it passed test 8. (Though it failed on test 9 due to integer overflow). Can anyone tell why is the first submission giving RTE? Any help is appreciated.

C++ is not my primary language, so I may be making some silly errors.

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3 years ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +6 Vote: I do not like it

Just took a glance at your code and I saw that you declare the dp matrix locally, so probably you exceed the stack memory limit. Replacing with int, means halved memory so I think that's why you don't get RTE the second time