harsh639's blog

By harsh639, history, 4 years ago, In English

Hola folks,

It's that time of the year again when everyone is hopping from InterviewBit to GFG to Codeforces aiming to bag an Internship/Placement in their dream company. So, we at GOC have decided to aid your endeavor.

Grimoire of Code(GoC), IIT Kharagpur has decided to organize a weekly programming contest every Saturday targeting Algorithms and Data Structures using problems previously asked in various Internship/Placement interviews and shortlisting rounds at IIT Kharagpur, to help students prepare for their intern/placement.

Further updates regarding contests will be on our Facebook Page.

Time : 3pm — 6pm IST, Saturday, 5 June. Check your timezone here.

Link to the first contest: https://www.hackerrank.com/contests/goc-cdc-series-9/

P.S.:- This is open to all, so everyone is welcome to take part in the contest.

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By harsh639, history, 4 years ago, In English

Hello everyone!

Another long and exciting contest is here, May Circuits '21, with 8 amazing problems, should be solved in 7 days. The contest will start at Saturday, 15th May, 21:30 IST (You can check your timezone here).

The problems are prepared by Kousshik TheLethalCode Raj, Prashant fugazi Shishodia, Arpa and Harsh Vardhan harsh639 Goenka.

6 out of 8 problems have been prepared by members of Grimoire of Code, Competitive Programming Club of IIT Kharagpur. Do check out our YouTube Channel as well.

Also huge thanks to Arpa for coordinating and testing the round.

To make the challenge more interesting, we will add problems to the contest in this order:

  • Day 0: Problem 1, Problem 2, Problem 3.
  • Day 1: Problem 4, Problem 5.
  • Day 4: Problem 6, Problem 7.
  • Day 6: Problem 8.

As usual, there will be some sweet prizes for the top three competitors:

  • $100 Amazon gift card
  • $75 Amazon gift card
  • $50 Amazon gift card

Hope to see you on the leaderboard!

Good luck everybody! Hope you all gain a positive rating Δ in this round!

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By harsh639, history, 4 years ago, In English


Welcome to April Easy '21, from our easy and educational contest series. It's rated for all. It's a 3-hour competition with six algorithmic tasks. We are going to hold it on Saturday at 09:30 IST (You can check your timezone here). Check the contest page for more details.

As usual, here are the prizes for the top three contestants:

  • $75 Amazon gift card
  • $50 Amazon gift card
  • $25 Amazon gift card

Note that prizes are given to top participants with ratings < 1600 (beginners).

The problems are prepared by Kritagya Agarwal and Harsh Vardhan harsh639 Goenka.

Also huge thanks to Arpa for coordinating and testing the round.

Good luck everybody!

Hope you all gain a positive rating Δ in this round!

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