Hi, I created a private group, and then I create a domain for this group (follow by this blog of Mike https://mirror.codeforces.com/blog/entry/51787)
I added a mashup contest to the group and set "Allow view other submissions to:" with "anyone":
I can view other submissions by the link https://mirror.codeforces.com/group/GROUP_ID/contest/CONTEST_ID/submission/SUBMISSION_ID
But if I use domain link (like domain.contest.codeforces.com) to enter the group, I cannot view the submissions of other users (it say "You are not allowed to view the requested page" when I use the link: https://GROUP_DOMAIN.contest.codeforces.com/group/GROUP_ID/contest/CONTEST_ID/submission/SUBMISSION_ID).
It's fine if you have a codeforces account (just don't use the domain link), but the problem is I created some domain accounts, and they cannot view the submissions (since the group is private and they cannot enter the group unless I invite them to join the group, which is not what I want)
Is it a bug or I did something wrong?