1 | November 2014 | Salary Inequity | 2014 ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | This was the first problem I ever wrote for a contest. I didn't actually know the phrase "Euler tour" at this point in time but I was doing some other problem about preorder traversal of a tree and was inspired to write this problem. |
2 | December 2014 | Marathon (Bronze) | USACO December 2014 | N/A |
3 | December 2014 | Marathon (Silver) | USACO December 2014 | N/A |
4 | December 2014 | Marathon (Gold) | USACO December 2014 | I don't remember which problem idea came first but at the time I really wanted to try to have the problem span all three divisions. I speculate the bronze problem got written first because I was trying to help fill in bronze problems, and then the silver and gold problems were "extensions" of some sort. |
5 | January 2015 | Meeting Time (Bronze) | USACO January 2015 | N/A |
6 | January 2015 | Meeting Time (Silver) | USACO January 2015 | I don't recall this problem at all. It seems more obvious here that the bronze problem came first and the silver extension followed. |
7 | January 2015 | Cow Rectangles (Gold) | USACO January 2015 | Contrary to what one might think based on my problemsetting history so far, I actually did not see the segment tree solution to this problem. This problem has probably appeared before? |
8 | February 2015 | Cow Hopscotch (Bronze) | USACO February 2015 | N/A |
9 | February 2015 | Cow Hopscotch (Silver) | USACO February 2015 | N/A |
10 | February 2015 | Cow Hopscotch (Gold) | USACO February 2015 | Many people know me as publicly denouncing BITs as a data structure that is not worth using, and to use segment trees instead because they're more robust. Yes, I'm a hypocrite. |
11 | November 2015 | Airports | 2015 ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | This problem was motivated by me sitting on an airplane that was stuck on the tarmac for two hours as I watched planes alternate in departing and arriving from the airport, and I thought about how efficient airlines are at reusing planes. |
12 | November 2015 | Complexity | 2015 ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | (We needed some easy problems, part 1.) |
13 | November 2015 | Egg Drop | 2015 ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | (We needed some easy problems, part 2.) |
14 | November 2015 | Magic Trick | 2015 ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | (We needed some easy problems, part 3.) Division is hard. |
15 | November 2015 | Triangle | 2015 ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | I was asked to write an easy problem. On the actual contest, we provided a diagram of a square being cut diagonally in half. It turns out this problem is hard. |
16 | December 2015 | Breed Counting (Silver) | USACO December 2015 | I don't recall if we set template problems this contest because it was the first four-division contest, but I am not proud of this problem. |
17 | December 2015 | Counting Haybales (Platinum) | USACO December 2015 | I don't recall if we set template problems this contest because it was the first four-division contest, but I am extremely not proud of this problem. |
18 | March 2016 | Diamond Collector (Bronze) | USACO US Open 2016 | I don't recall this problem at all. |
19 | March 2016 | Diamond Collector (Silver) | USACO US Open 2016 | I don't recall this problem at all. |
20 | November 2016 | Alphabet | 2016 ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | I like to set problems with TopCoder-style bounds. By this point, you have probably noticed my propensity for setting extremely standard problems. |
21 | November 2016 | Equality | 2016 ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | This is what happens when you ask me to try to write a very easy problem. |
22 | November 2017 | Forbidden Zero | 2017 ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | We needed an easy problem. |
23 | November 2016 | Illumination | 2016 ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | I really wanted to set a 2-SAT problem for some reason. This one seems a little forced in hindsight. I think at the time, 2-SAT in book code was not quite in the meta which means that this idea was especially mean, though I felt that most people had SCC in their book code so they could just do the reduction themselves. |
24 | November 2016 | Mismatched Socks | 2016 ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | In 2016, I did not like to wear matching socks. This was mostly because holes developed in half of them. |
25 | November 2017 | Odd Palindrome | 2017 ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | At work I had to write questions for a Python Bee. This was one of the meaner questions that got reused for regionals. |
26 | November 2016 | Paint | 2016 ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | This feels like the sort of DP problem that was really popular on USACO a long time ago. |
27 | November 2016 | Three Square | 2016 ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | This is the sequel to Triangle. I wrote a version called TwoSquare that was originally intended for division 2, and this was intended for division 1. This ended up in division 2 and TwoSquare got scrapped, and people got destroyed. |
28 | November 2017 | Hopscotch | 2017 ACM-ICPC South Central Regional | This could plausibly be a sequel to the Cow Hopscotch problem. I think I wanted to set a problem that wasn't really a 2D data structures problem even though it looks like it should be one. |
29 | December 2017 | Barn Painting (Gold) | USACO December 2017 | I think I wanted to force some sort of 3-coloring problem for some reason, I don't recall why this problem was phrased this way. |
30 | November 2018 | Coprime Integers | 2018 ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | I authored so many problems this year that it feels like I tried to force filling in some gap that I perceived in the topic distribution. |
31 | November 2018 | Exam | 2018 ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | This was inspired by some real life incident, though I don't recall what true/false Buzzfeed quiz was involved. |
32 | November 2018 | Goat Rope | 2018 ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | I wanted to write a problem on goat ropes based on a similarly named problem in 2013. |
33 | November 2018 | Liars | 2018 ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | I originally wanted this problem to require a linear time solution, I'm not sure why we ended up nerfing this to quadratic time. |
34 | February 2019 | Painting the Barn (Silver) | USACO February 2019 | I can't believe this problem was approved for use in a contest. I can believe I proposed it, because I think at around this time I was trying to claim that prefix sums were "hard enough for Silver." |
35 | February 2019 | Painting the Barn (Gold) | USACO February 2019 | This problem seems better. |
36 | November 2019 | Even or Odd? | 2019 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | I did not propose the problem with these bounds. That is a story that can be inferred from other things I have written on CF. |
37 | November 2019 | From A to B | 2019 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | I swear this problem is unoriginal but none of us could find this on Codeforces. I fully expect someone to link this problem in the comment section. |
38 | November 2019 | Rainbow Strings | 2019 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | Someone wanted a sequel to rainbow graph. I forced the rainbow idea but that was it. |
39 | December 2019 | Cow Gymnastics (Bronze) | USACO December 2019 | I guess bronze really needed an easy problem? I think I proposed this problem back in 2015 and it only got used now. |
40 | January 2020 | Race (Bronze) | USACO January 2020 | This and Loan Repayment were two of my most infamous USACO problems. It feels like I wanted to bait people into doing a lot of math. |
41 | January 2020 | Loan Repayment (Silver) | USACO January 2020 | I think I wanted to propose the easiest possible hardest "binary search" problem feasible to be used in Silver. I think it succeeded. |
42 | February 2020 | Triangles (Silver) | USACO February 2020 | I don't remember proposing a harder version of this problem. |
43 | December 2020 | Daisy Chains (Bronze) | USACO December 2020 | I thought we required O(N2) for this... guess not. |
44 | December 2020 | Sleeping Cows (Platinum) | USACO December 2020 | This problem has appeared before. Can you find the source? |
45 | January 2021 | Even More Odd Photos (Bronze) | USACO January 2021 | This problem title sounds like something I would say out loud and find unreasonably funny. |
46 | January 2021 | Uddered but not Herd (Bronze) | USACO January 2021 | I feel like this is inspired by the alphabet problem from a few years ago? |
47 | January 2021 | Uddered but not Herd (Gold) | USACO January 2021 | I wasn't responsible for this one. |
48 | March 2021 | Ant Typing | 2020 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | Definitely trying to force a lot of brute-force problems. |
49 | March 2021 | Exam Manipulation | 2020 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | The COVID year, where we thought we needed a lot of problems to saturate keyboard time. |
50 | March 2021 | Exciting Tournament | 2020 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | This problem has appeared before. Can you find the source? |
51 | March 2021 | Kangaroo Party | 2020 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | Was this motivated by an old APIO problem? I no longer recall. |
52 | March 2021 | Longest Common Subsequence | 2020 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | I really liked this problem, though I am still convinced it is completely unoriginal. |
53 | March 2021 | Magic Trick | 2020 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | This was motivated by an IRL trick someone played on someone else. |
54 | March 2021 | Missing Number | 2020 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | This problem looks vaguely familiar... |
55 | March 2021 | Rainbow Numbers | 2020 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | This is continuing on the theme of rainbow problems, except because I'm trying to force rainbow as a theme the problems get worse and worse. |
56 | March 2021 | Rating Problems | 2020 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | Yep, this is how we internally rate problems. I rated this problem a 0... it got an average of 0.60. |
57 | March 2021 | Reconstruct Sum | 2020 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | Somehow the test data for this problem were weak, but I don't remember who prepared the data for this problem or why I was too lazy to write the obvious WA. |
58 | April 2021 | Laptop Sticker | 2021 North America Division Championships | This was originally a division 2 problem that was a carryover to NADC. I'm honestly surprised we used it at NADC. |
59 | April 2021 | Longest Common Substring | 2021 North America Division Championships | Originally, I wanted this problem to be used in division 2 and Longest Common Subsequene to be used in division 1. Good thing it wasn't used in division 2? |
60 | August 2021 | 수학은 체육과목 입니다 3 | UCPC 2021 Preliminary | I was tasked with trying to write an easy and accessible problem. This was too hard. |
61 | August 2021 | 항체 인식 | UCPC 2021 Preliminary | I was tasked with trying to write a slightly less easy problem. This was also too hard. |
62 | August 2021 | 스키장 | UCPC 2021 Preliminary | I was tasked with trying to write a slightly less easy problem. This one was fine. It's worth noting that all of these problems were translated on my behalf, and I know zero Korean. |
63 | August 2021 | Cleaning Robot | 2021 North American Championship | Inspired by watching my roommates' Roomba fail to clean. |
64 | August 2021 | Contest Construction | 2021 North American Championship | Inspired by watching us try to construct a contest with a reasonable difficulty curve, and completely failing to do so. |
65 | August 2021 | Mountainous Palindromic Subarray | 2021 North American Championship | This problem has appeared before. Can you find the source? |
66 | August 2021 | You Be The Judge, Again | 2021 North American Championship | Inspired by its predecessor in NADC. |
67 | December 2021 | Lonely Photo (Bronze) | USACO December 2021 | This problem was motivated by an unfortunate photo I saw being taken. |
68 | December 2021 | Walking Home (Bronze) | USACO December 2021 | In 2018 someone had an argument with me about the fastest way to navigate from point A to point B in SF by walking along certain turning paths. I don't remember the outcome but this problem came out of it. |
69 | December 2021 | Connecting Two Barns (Silver) | USACO December 2021 | I think I wanted to write some sort of minimum spanning tree problem but somehow wrote this instead? |
70 | March 2022 | Double Password | 2021 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | I think this is motivated by watching someone backdoor some combination lock. |
71 | March 2022 | Fail Them All! | 2021 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | This problem was originally named Exam Manipulation. |
72 | March 2022 | Rise and Fall | 2021 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | This problem was originally named Rainbow Numbers. |
73 | March 2022 | Scaling Recipe | 2021 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | I didn't learn my lesson about division being hard. |
74 | March 2022 | Tree Hopping | 2021 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | I solved this problem and decided writing a verifier for this would make a reasonable problem. |
75 | February 2022 | Phone Numbers (Platinum) | USACO February 2022 | I only proposed the idea for this problem, I wasn't able to solve it. This problem is actually inspired by rhythm games. |
76 | March 2022 | Alchemy (Bronze) | USACO US Open 2022 | This problem idea was forced by a certain song. |
77 | February 2023 | Advertising ICPC | 2022 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | This problem has appeared before. Can you find the source? |
78 | February 2023 | Alchemy | 2022 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | 2022 NA ICPC Regionals problem themes this year were a bunch of songs. This problem was much harder than I thought it would be. Maybe it's because of the TopCoder-esque bound? |
79 | February 2023 | Champernowne Count | 2022 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | I feel like I've seen this problem before. |
80 | February 2023 | Counting Satellites | 2022 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | This problem has appeared before. Can you find the source? Incidentally, this was my favorite song of 2022. |
81 | February 2023 | Fading Wind | 2022 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | With the problem theme being forced, this was the first idea I could come up with. |
82 | February 2023 | Restaurant Opening | 2022 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | This problem isn't named after a song. |
83 | February 2023 | Streets Ahead | 2022 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | This problem also isn't named after a song. It is a reference to a certain TV show though. |
84 | February 2023 | Sun and Moon | 2022 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional | With the problem theme being forced, this was the natural problem to propose. |
85 | May 2023 | Allergen Testing | North America Championship 2023 | I was not able to find this problem beforehand, but it seems to have been presented in an alternate format as a math riddle of sorts. This problem was intended to be among the easier half of problems on NAC. |
86 | May 2023 | A Tree and Two Edges | North America Championship 2023 | This problem was designed to be at the difficulty of problems that would gate qualification to WF from North America. It's a relatively standard test of graph theory fundamentals that requires a decent amount of implementation or having all the primitives you want in your book code. |
87 | May 2023 | Four Square | North America Championship 2023 | This was the sequel to Three Square. The time limit of 4 seconds, though an accident originally, was intentional (and yes, some team did get TLE on it in contest.) |
88 | May 2023 | Power of Divisors | North America Championship 2023 | For some reason, I had this idea in my head that some NA teams consider pollard-rho to be something essential to know for ICPC competitions. This problem is a response to it, as a problem that does not require any high-powered number theory and can be solved with some observation and just trial division. |
89 | September 2023 | Contest Advancement | North America Qualifier 2023 | Written shortly after NAC was announced. It was not a popular idea. |
90 | September 2023 | Digit Translation | North America Qualifier 2023 | I'll give you one guess what the inspiration of this problem is. |
91 | September 2023 | Don't Hunger Together | North America Qualifier 2023 | I don't play this game. |
92 | September 2023 | Garden of Thorns | North America Qualifier 2023 | I also don't play this game. |
93 | September 2023 | ICPC Team Generation | North America Qualifier 2023 | Inspired by real-life events. |
94 | September 2023 | Is Y A Vowel? | North America Qualifier 2023 | Do you add the letter 'u' to words randomly? |
95 | September 2023 | Lines Per Hour | North America Qualifier 2023 | Inspired by real-life discussion around how contests should work. |
96 | September 2023 | Magnesium Supplementation | North America Qualifier 2023 | N/A |
97 | September 2023 | Missing Number | North America Qualifier 2023 | I guess this is the hard mode of a problem I wrote before. |
98 | September 2023 | Water Journal | North America Qualifier 2023 | N/A |